The Idea Of A Coherent Curriculum For Mathematics And Science

Today we are awash in reports and recommendations, commissions and boards, standards and frameworks all striving to improve American education across the curriculum, and especially in science, mathematics, and technology. From those various sources, several common themes emerge: a belief in the importance of powerful ideas that provide all students with true scientific and mathematical…

A Good Program Can Improve Educational Outcomes

We hope this guide helps practitioners and others strengthen programs designed to increase academic achievement, ultimately broadening access to higher education for youth and adults. We believe that evaluation is a critical part of program design and is necessary for ongoing program improvement. Evaluation requires collecting reliable, current and compelling information to empower stakeholders to…

Learning Is Enhanced By The Use Of Visual Aids

In higher education teachers often fail to exploit the instructional advantages of audiovisual materials. Teachers in some disciplines use media very heavily and we know that learning is enhanced by the use of visual aids because pictorial representations and symbols clarify verbal explanations and provide additional clues for memory. Effective teachers plan ways to engage…