
The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives by Rudy B. Andeweg, ISBN-13: 978-0198809296

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The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives by Rudy B. Andeweg, ISBN-13: 978-0198809296

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Oxford University Press (September 30, 2020)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 864 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0198809298
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0198809296

Political executives have been at the centre of public and scholarly attention long before the inception of modern political science. In the contemporary world, political executives have come to dominate the political stage in many democratic and autocratic regimes. The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives marks the definitive reference work in this field. Edited and written by a team of word-class scholars, it combines substantive stocktaking with setting new agendas for the next generation of political executive research.

Table of Contents:


1. The Political Executive Returns: Re-Empowerment and Rediscovery, Rudy Andeweg, Robert Elgie, Ludger Helms, Juliet Kaarbo, and Ferdinand Müller-Rommel

I. Theorizing and Researching Political Executives

2. Historical Approaches, Matthew Laing and Brendan McCaffrie

3. New Institutional Approaches to the Study of Political Executives, Klaus H. Goetz

4. Psychology and the Study of Political Executives, Margaret G. Hermann and Juliet Kaarbo

5. A Rational Choice Perspective on Political Executives, Indridi H. Indridason and Christopher Kam

6. Ethnographic Approaches, R.A.W. Rhodes and Jack Corbett

7. Feminist Approaches to the Study of Political Executives, Karen Beckwith

8. Constructivist Approaches, Dennis C. Grube

9. Ethical Approaches, John Uhr

10. Methodology and the Study of the Political Executive, Robert Elgie

II. Composition and Life Cycle of Political Executives

11. Presidential Pathways and Profiles, Magna Inácio and Mariana Llanos

12. Political Careers of Ministers and Prime Ministers, Ferdinand Müller-Rommel, Corinna Kröber, and Michelangelo Vercesi

13. Women and the Executive Politics, Diana Z. O’Brian and Catherine Reyes-Housholder

14. Personalities and Beliefs of Political Executives, Mark Schafer and Gary Smith

15. Government Formation and Termination, Petra Schleiter

16. The Distribution of Ministerial Posts in Parliamentary Systems, Hanna Bäck and Royes Carroll

17. Post-Executive Activities, Fortunato Musella

III. Dynamics and Developments Within Political Executives

18. The Presidentialization of Political Executives, Robert Elgie and Gianluca Passarelli

19. Measuring Presidential and Prime-Ministerial Power, David Doyle

20. Presidents and Cabinets, Robert Elgie

21. Inside the Coordination Paradigm: New Perspectives on Minority Presidents and Coalition Management, Paul Chaisty, Nic Cheeseman, and Timothy J. Power

22. Cabinet Decision-Making in Parliamentary Systems, Michelangelo Vercesi

23. Parties and Executives in Parliamentary Systems, Rudy Andeweg

24. Leadership Styles of Political Executives, Jonathan W. Keller

25. Political Advisers in the Executive Branch, Yee-Fui Ng

VI. Dynamics and Developments Between Political Executives and the Broader Political Context

26. Politicians and Bureaucrats in Executive Government, Tobias Bach and Kai Wegrich

27. Executive-Legislative Relations in Democratic Regimes, Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon and Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson

28. Judicialization and the Political Executive, Georg Vanberg

29. Political Executives and the Mediatization of Politics, Donatella Campus

30. Interest Groups and Lobbying in Political Executives, Direnc Kanol

31. Public Opinion and Executive Approval, Pedro C. Magalhaes

32. Performance and Evaluation of Political Executives, Ludger Helms

V. Political Executives Beyond the Democratic Nation-State

33. Executive Politics in Multi-Level Systems: the EU, Ingeborg Tömmel

34. Political Executives in Autocratic and Hybrid Regimes, Jody LaPorte

35. 4. Political Executives in Authoritarian Monarchies, Anna Sunik

36. 4. Political Executives in Party-Based Dictatorships, Alexander Baturo

37. 4. Political Executives in Military Regimes, Natasha Lindstaedt

Rudy B. Andeweg is Professor of Political Science, Leiden University. His publications include Myth and Reality of the Legitimacy Crisis (edited with C. van Ham, J. Thomassen, and K Aarts, OUP, 2017), and Puzzles of Government Formation (edited with L. de Winter and P. Dumont, Routledge, 2011).

Robert Elgie was Paddy Moriarty Professor of Government and International Studies, Dublin City University. His publications include The Politics of Presidential Term Limits (edited with Alexander Baturo, OUP, 2019), and The Oxford Handbook of French Politics (edited with Robert Elgie, Emiliano Grossman, and Amy G. Mazur, OUP, 2016).

Ludger Helms is Professor of Political Science, University of Innsbruck. His publications include Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Chancellors (Palgrave, 2005) and Comparative Political Leadership (Palgrave, 2012).

Juliet Kaarbo is Professor of Foreign Policy, University of Edinburgh. Her publications include Domestic Role Contestation, Foreign Policy, and International Relations (edited wtih Cristian Cantir, Routledge, 2016) and Coalition Politics and Cabinet Decision Making (University of Michigan Press, 2012).

Ferdinand Müller-Rommel is Professor of Comparative Politics, Leuphana University Lüneburg. His publications include Party Politics and Democracy in Europe (edited with Fernando Casal Bértoa, Routledge, 2017), and Party Government in the New Europe (edited with Hans Keman, Routledge, 2014).

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