The Oxford Handbook of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Inquiry, ISBN-13: 978-0199933624
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Oxford University Press; Illustrated edition (July 2, 2015)
- Language: English
- 776 pages
- ISBN-10: 0199933626
- ISBN-13: 978-0199933624
Offering a variety of innovative methods and tools, The Oxford Handbook of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Inquiry provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date presentation on multi- and mixed-methods research available. Written in clear and concise language by leading scholars in the field, it enhances and disrupts traditional ways of asking and addressing complex research questions. Topics include an overview of theory, paradigms, and scientific inquiry; a guide to conducting a multi- and mixed-methods research study from start to finish; current uses of multi- and mixed-methods research across academic disciplines and research fields; the latest technologies and how they can be incorporated into study design; and a presentation of multiple perspectives on the key remaining debates.
Each chapter in the volume is structured to include state-of-the-art research examples that cross a range of disciplines and interdisciplinary research settings. In addition, the Handbook offers multiple quantitative and qualitative theoretical and interdisciplinary visions and praxis. Researchers, faculty, graduate students, and policy makers will appreciate the exceptional, timely, and critical coverage in this Handbook, which deftly addresses the interdisciplinary and complex questions that a diverse set of research communities are facing today.
Table of Contents:
Introduction: Navigating a Turbulent Research Landscape: Working the Boundaries, Tensions, Diversity, and Contradictions of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Inquiry
Sharlene Hesse-Biber
Part One: Linking Theory and Method in Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
1. A Qualitatively Driven Approach to Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
Sharlene Hesse-Biber, Deborah Rodriguez, and Nollaig A. Frost
2. Mixed and Multimethods in Predominantly Quantitative Studies, Especially Experiments and Quasi-Experiments
Melvin M. Mark
3. Thinking Outside the Q Boxes: Further Motivating a Mixed Research Perspective
Lisa D. Pearce
4. Revisiting Mixed Methods and Advancing Scientific Practices
John W. Creswell
5. Feminist Approaches to Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research: Theory and Praxis
Sharlene Hesse-Biber and Amy J. Griffin
6. Transformative and Indigenous Frameworks for Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
Fiona Cram and Donna M. Mertens
7. Understanding and Emphasizing Difference and Intersectionality in Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
Olena Hankivsky and Daniel Grace
8. Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
Rick Szostak
9. Putting Ethics on the Mixed Methods Map
Judith Preissle, Rebecca M. Glover-Kudon, Elizabeth A. Rohan, Jennifer E. Boehm, and Amy DeGroff
Part Two: Conducting Exploratory, Confirmatory, and Interactive Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
10. Conducting Mixed Methods Literature Reviews: Synthesizing the Evidence Needed to Develop and Implement Complex Social and Health Interventions
Jennifer Leeman, Corrine I. Voils, and Margarete Sandelowski
11. Designing Multimethod Research
Albert Hunter and John Brewer
12. Issues in Qualitatively Driven Mixed Method Designs: Walking Through a Mixed Method Project
Janice M. Morse
13. Designing Integration in Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
Joseph Maxwell, Margaret Chmiel, and Sylvia E. Rogers
14. Validity in Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
Kathleen M. T. Collins
15. Data Analysis I: Overview of Data Analysis Strategies
Julia Brannen and Rebecca O’Connell
16. Advanced Mixed Analysis Approaches
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and John H. Hitchcock
17. Writing Up Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research for Diverse Audiences
Pat Bazeley
18. Funding for Mixed Methods Research: Sources and Strategies
Jennifer P. Wisdom and Michael D. Fetters
19. Mentoring the Next Generation in Mixed Research
Rebecca K. Frels, Isadore Newman, and Carole Newman
Part Three: Contextualizing Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Within and Across Disciplines and Applied Settings
20. Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research in the Fields of Education and Anthropology
Jori N. Hall and Judith Preissle
21. Evolving Mixed and Multimethod Approaches in Psychology
Nollaig A. Frost and Rachel L. Shaw
22. Participatory Mixed Methods Research
Bradley D. Olson and Leonard A. Jason
23. Moving From Randomized Controlled Trials to Mixed Methods Intervention Evaluations
Sarah J. Drabble and Alicia O’Cathain
24. Mixed Methods Evaluation
Donna M. Mertens and Michele Tarsilla
25. Applying Multimethod and Mixed Methods to Prevention Research in Global Health
Stevan Weine
26. History and Emergent Practices of Multimethod and Mixed Methods in Business Research
José F. Molina-AzorÃn and Roslyn A. Cameron
27. How Does Mixed Methods Research Add Value to Our Understanding of Development?
Nicola A. Jones, Paola Pereznieto, and Elizabeth Presler-Marshall
Part Four: Incorporating New Technologies into Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
28. Mixed Methods and Multimodal Research and Internet Technologies
Christine M. Hine
29. Conducting Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Online
Janet E. Salmons
30. Emergent Technologies in Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research: Incorporating Mobile Technologies
Leo Remijn, Nathalie Stembert, Ingrid J. Mulder, and Sunil Choenni
31. Emergent Technologies in Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research: Incorporating GIS and CAQDAS
Jane L. Fielding and Nigel G. Fielding
Part Five: Commentaries: Dialoguing About Future Directions of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
32. What Problem Are We Trying to Solve?: Practical and Innovative Uses of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
Thomas A. Schwandt and Lauren Lichty
33. Mixed Methods and the Problems of Theory Building and Theory Testing in the Social Sciences
Udo Kelle
34. Preserving Distinctions Within the Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Merger
Jennifer C. Greene
35. Conundrums of Multimethod Research
Albert Hunter and John Brewer
36. It Depends: Possible Impacts of Moving the Field of Mixed Methods Research Toward Best Practice Guidelines
Julianne Cheek
37. Feminism, Causation, and Mixed Methods Research
Sharon Crasnow
38. Causality, Generalizability, and the Future of Mixed Methods Research
Robert K. Yin
39. Mixed Methods: Dissonance and Values in Research With Marginalized Groups
Dawn Freshwater and Pamela Fisher
40. Harnessing Global Social Justice and Social Change With Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research
Fiona Cram
Conclusions: Toward an Inclusive and Defensible Multimethod and Mixed Science
R. Burke Johnson
Sharlene Janice Nagy Hesse-Biber is Professor of Sociology and the Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Boston College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. She has published widely in the field of mixed-methods research and on the impact of sociocultural factors on women’s body image. Author of Mixed-Methods Research: Merging Theory with Practice (Guilford Publications, 2010) and associate editor of the Journal of Mixed-Methods Research, she is also on the editorial boards of Qualitative Health Research and Sociological Methodology. She is a co-developer of the software program HyperRESEARCH, a computer-assisted program for analyzing qualitative and mixed-methods data, and the transcription tool HyperTRANSCRIBE (
R. Burke Johnson is Professor in the Department of Professional Studies at the University of South Alabama and is an interdisciplinarian with four graduate degrees, specializing in research methodology and philosophy of social science. He is coauthor or coeditor of six books, including two research methods textbooks: Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches (with Larry Christensen, 2014) and Research Methods, Design, and Analysis (with Larry Christensen and Lisa Turner, 2014).
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