
The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis 1st Edition by Robert E. Goodin, ISBN-13: 978-0199548446

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The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis 1st Edition by Robert E. Goodin, ISBN-13: 978-0199548446

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Oxford University Press; 1st edition (August 18, 2008)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 869 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0199548447
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0199548446

The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis sets out to synthesize and critique for the first time those approaches to political science that offer a more fine-grained qualitative analysis of the political world. The work in the volume has a common aim in being sensitive to the thoughts of contextual nuances that disappear from large-scale quantitative modeling or explanations based on abstract, general, universal laws of human behavior. It shows that ‘context matters’ in a great many ways: philosophical context matters; psychological context matters; cultural and historical contexts matter; place, population, and technology all matter. By showcasing scholars who specialize in the analysis of all these contexts side-by-side, The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis shows how political scientists can take those crucial contextual factors
systematically into account.

Table of Contents:

Part I. Introduction

1. It Depends, Charles Tilly and Robert E. Goodin

Part II. Philosophy Matters

2. Why and How Philosophy Matters, Philip Pettit

3. The Socialization of Epistemology, Louise Antony

4. Political Ontology, Colin Hay

5. Mind, Will, and Choice, James N. Druckman and Arthur Lupia

6. Theory, Fact, Logic, Rod Aya

Part III. Psychology Matters

7. Why and How Psychology Matters, Kathleen M. McGraw

8. Motivation and Emotion, James M. Jasper

9. Social Preferences, Homo Economicus, and Zoon Politikon, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis

10. Frames and Their Consequences, Francesca Polletta and M. Kai Ho

11. Memory, Individual and Collective, Aleida Assmann

Part IV. Ideas Matter

12. Why and How Ideas Matter, Dietrich Rueschemeyer

13. Detecting Ideas and Their Effects, Richard Price

14. How Previous Ideas Affect Later Ideas, Neta C. Crawford

15. How Ideas Affect Actions, Jennifer L. Hochschild

16. Mistaken Ideas and Their Effects, Lee Clarke

Part V. Culture Matters

17. Why And How Culture Matters, Michael Thompson, Marco Verweij, and Richard J. Ellis

18. How to Detect Culture and its Effects, Pamela Ballinger

19. Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Courtney Jung

20. Language, Its Stakes and Its Effects, Susan Gal

21. The Idea of Political Culture, Paul Lichterman and Daniel Cefaï

Part VI. History Matters

22. Why and How History Matters, Charles Tilly

23. Historical Knowledge and Evidence, Roberto Franzosi

24. Historical Context and Path Dependence, James Mahoney and Daniel Schensul

25. Does History Repeat?, Ruth Berins Collier and Sebastián Mazzuca

26. The Present as History, Patrick Thaddeus Jackson

Part VII. Place Matters

27. Why and How Place Matters, Göran Therborn

28. Detecting the Significance of Place, R. Bin Wong

29. Space, Place, and Time, Nigel J. Thrift

30. Spaces and Places as Sites and Objects of Politics, Javier Auyero

31. Uses of Local Knowledge, Don Kalb

Part VIII. Population Matters

32. Why and How Population Matters, David Levine

33. The Politics of Demography, Bruce Curtis

34. Politics and Mass Immigration, Gary P. Freeman

35. Population Change, Urbanization, and Political Consolidation, Jeffrey Herbst

36. Population Composition as an Object of Political Struggle, David I. Kertzer and Dominique Arel

Part IX. Technology Matters

37. Why and How Technology Matters, Wiebe E. Bijker

38. The Gendered Politics of Technology, Judy Wacjman

39. Military Technologies and Politics, Wim A. Smit

40. Technology as a Site and Object of Politics, Sheila Jasanoff

Part X. Old and New

41. Duchamp’s Urinal: Who Says What’s Rational When Things Get Tough?, David E. Apter

42. The Behavioral Revolution and the Remaking of Comparative Politics, Lucian Pye

Robert E. Goodin is Distinguished Professor of Social and Political Theory and Philosophy at the Research School of Social Sciences at Australian National University.

Charles Tilly was Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Sciences at Columbia University.

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