
The Law of Journalism and Mass Communication 7th Edition by Susan D. Ross, ISBN-13: 978-1544377582

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The Law of Journalism and Mass Communication 7th Edition by Susan D. Ross, ISBN-13: 978-1544377582

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ CQ Press; 7th edition (December 4, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 656 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1544377584
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1544377582

In The Law of Journalism and Mass Communication, authors Susan Dente Ross, Amy Reynolds, and Robert Trager present a lively, up-to-date, and comprehensive introduction to media law that brings the law to life for future professional communicators. The book is grounded in the traditions and rules of law but also contains fresh facts and relevant examples that keep readers engaged. Tightly focused breakout boxes highlight contemporary examples of the law in action or emphasize central points of law as well as intersections with international law and policy. The thoroughly updated Seventh Edition contains a wealth of new content that is as timely as possible―from the U.S. Supreme Court, federal and state courts, Congress, executive agencies, federal and state policymakers and advisory groups, and media organizations and allies. A refreshed look, feel, and flow of chapters provide readers an understanding of fast-expanding areas of the law and legal complexities.

Table of Contents:

List of FeaturesPrefaceAcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorsChapter 1 • The Rule of Law: Law in a Changing Communication Environment Body of the Law Structure of the Judicial System Processes of the Law Emerging Law Finding the Law Reading Case LawChapter 2 • The First Amendment: Speech and Press Freedoms in Theory and Reality Where the First Amendment Came From When “the Press� Changes How the First Amendment Is Understood Why We Value the First Amendment How Government Restrains First Amendment Freedoms How the Supreme Court Reviews Laws Affecting First Amendment Rights Speaking Politics Speaking For and As the Government Requiring Speech Political Campaigning and Financing Elections Speaking Anonymously Assembling and Speaking in Public and Nonpublic Places Associating Freely Emerging LawChapter 3 • Speech Distinctions: Different Categories Trigger Distinct Treatment Evolving Court Tests to Protect Disruptive Speech Speech Harms Symbolic Speech Do Media Incite Harm? National Security and Tranquility Speech in the Schools Emerging LawChapter 4 • Libel and Emotional Distress: The Plaintiff’s Case A Brief History The Elements of Libel: The Plaintiff’s Case Emotional Distress Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress Emerging LawChapter 5 • Libel: Defenses and Privileges Truth Anti-SLAPP Protection Fair Report Privilege Opinion Section 230 Immunity Other Defenses Additional Defense Considerations Emerging LawChapter 6 • Protecting Privacy: Conflicts Among the Press, the Government and the Right to Privacy Constitutional Right to Privacy Privacy Torts Intrusion False Light Appropriation Private Facts Privacy and Data Protection Emerging LawChapter 7 • Gathering Information: Opportunities and Obstacles Brief Overview of Access First Amendment Right of Access Statutory Right of Access Statutory Limits to Access Other Limits to Gathering Information Emerging LawChapter 8 • Overseeing Justice: Speech and Press Freedoms In and About the Courts Access to Courts and Court Records Advancing Fairness in Trials Balancing Interests Advancing the Flow of News Emerging LawChapter 9 • Electronic Media Regulation: From Radio to the Internet Brief Overview of Electronic Media History of Broadcast Regulation Reasons to Regulate Broadcasting Federal Communications Commission Broadcast Programming Rules Multichannel Video Programming Distributor Regulation Internet Regulation Emerging LawChapter 10 • Obscenity and Indecency: Social Norms and Legal Standards Obscenity Indecency Obscenity, Indecency and the Internet Emerging LawChapter 11 • Intellectual Property: Protecting and Using Intangible Creations Copyright Trademarks Emerging LawChapter 12 • Advertising: When Speech and Commerce Converge Defining Commercial Speech Testing Commercial Speech Protection Compelling Commercial Speech Promoting Disfavored Products Advertising on Government Property Promoting and Publicizing Businesses and Professionals Restricting False or Misleading Commercial Speech Regulating Commercial Speech Concerns Emerging LawGlossaryNotesCase IndexSubject Index

Susan Dente Ross is professor at Washington State University where she serves as the associate dean for research in the College of Liberal Arts. Sheconducts research on the freedoms of speech and press and the ways in which these rights can help advance greater global equity and justice. She also is a leader in international initiatives to increase the ability of media to contribute to conflict transformation and resolution.

Amy Reynolds is dean of the College of Communication and Information at Kent State University. Her research focuses on dissent, First Amendment history, and media sociology. She has written or edited seven books. Prior to becoming a dean, she was a journalism professor at Louisiana State University and Indiana University. Before earning her PhD at the University of Texas, she worked as a reporter, producer, and editor at newspapers and television stations.

Robert Trager teaches courses in communication law, freedom of expression, and media institutions at the University of Colorado. He is the founding editor of Communication Law and Policy. Before joining the University of Colorado faculty, Trager was an attorney with a major cable television company and practiced media law with a firm in Washington, D.C.

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