The American Promise, Value Edition, Volume 2 Eighth Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1319208967
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- 1586 pages
- ISBN-10: 1319208967
- ISBN-13: 978-1319208967
- Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s; Eighth Edition (September 9, 2019)
- Author(s): James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Francois Furstenberg, Sarah Stage, Sarah Igo
- Language: English
The American Promise, Value Edition, has long been a favorite with students who value the text’s readability, clear chronology, and lively voices of ordinary Americans, all in a portable format. The two-color Value Edition includes the unabridged narrative and select maps and images from the comprehensive text.
The American Promise grew out of many conversations among ourselves and with others about the teaching and learning of history. We know that instructors want a U.S. history text that introduces students to overarching trends and developments and, at the same time, gives voice to the diverse people who have made American history. We know that students of history often come away overwhelmed and confused about what information is most important to know. Because many students have difficulty understanding the most important concepts when they read a traditional U.S. survey text, we seek to provide a text that does not overwhelm them with detail, offers clear signposts about the key questions to focus on, and introduces them to historical thinking skills.
The approach of our narrative is reflected in our title, The American Promise. We emphasize human agency and demonstrate our conviction that the essence of America has been its promise. For millions, the nation has held out the promise of a better life, unfettered worship, equality before the law, representative government, democratic politics, and other freedoms seldom found elsewhere. But none of these promises has come with guarantees. Throughout our history, the promise has been marred by disappointments, compromises, and denials, but it lives on. Throughout the narrative, we demonstrate how much of American history is a continuing struggle over the definition and realization of the nation’s promise.
We offer a clear chronology and a framework that braids political and social history, as we have found that students need both the structure a political narrative provides and the insights gained from examining social and cultural experience. To write a comprehensive, balanced account of American history, we focus on the public arena — the place where politics intersects social and cultural developments — to show how Americans confronted the major issues of their day and created far-reaching historical change.
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