Stoelting’s Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0323401371
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
736 pages
Publisher: Elsevier; 7 edition (April 18, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0323401376
ISBN-13: 978-0323401371
A classic since its first publication nearly 25 years ago, Stoelting’s Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 7th Edition, by Drs. Roberta L. Hines and Katherine E. Marschall, remains your go-to reference for concise, thorough coverage of pathophysiology of the most common diseases and their medical management relevant to anesthesia. To provide the guidance you need to successfully manage or avoid complications stemming from pre-existing conditions there are detailed discussions of each disease, the latest practice guidelines, easy-to-follow treatment algorithms, and more.
– Presents detailed discussions of common diseases, as well as highlights of more rare diseases and their unique features that could be of importance in the perioperative period.
– Examines specific anesthesia considerations for special patient populations―including pediatric, obstetric and elderly patients.
– Features abundant figures, tables, diagrams, and photos to provide fast access to the most pertinent aspects of every condition and to clarify critical points about management of these medical illnesses.
– Ideal for anesthesiologists in practice and for anesthesia residents in training and preparing for boards. Printed and digital versions of this classic text are available.
– Includes brand new chapters on sleep-disordered breathing, critical care medicine and diseases of aging as well as major updates of nearly all other chapters.
– Covers respiratory disease in greater detail with newly separated chapters on Sleep Disordered Breathing; Obstructive Lung Disease; Restrictive Lung Disease; and Respiratory Failure.
– Provides the latest practice guidelines, now integrated into each chapter for quick reference.
“The book remains a unique time-honoured text”
2018 BMA Awards: Highly Commended, Anaesthesia
“This book is comprehensive in its coverage, but doesn’t get too bogged down in esoterica. The print version has grown quite large (over 700 pages), making the electronic version particularly attractive for users interested in having the book available at the point of care but who do not want to carry a bulky book around the operating room.”
Reviewed by David B. Glock, MD, MBA (University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine)
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