Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology, ISBN-13: 978-0310106661
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Zondervan Academic (May 19, 2020)
- Language: English
- 352 pages
- ISBN-10: 0310106664
- ISBN-13: 978-0310106661
Quality Research Papers has four purposes:
1. To stimulate and develop students’ capacity for doing careful and
fruitful research.
2. To help students improve their ability to express clearly the results of
their research.
3. To assist theology students in meeting the requirements of their
educational programs.
4. To allay students’ fear of doing research by improving their skills and
By following the instructions in this book, your paper should be firstclass
in content and format. Because many people learn better when they
are shown rather than when they are told, models are provided to show how
different parts of a paper should look.
Chapters 2 through 8 describe types of research done by ministerial and
seminary students: literary and historical, exegesis, description, program
development, case study, action research, writing for publication, book
reviews, theses, and dissertations. Chapters 9 through 17 show students the
process of writing the paper, while chapter 18 discusses reference notes and
bibliographical entries. Chapter 19 presents statistics, graphs, and tables as
used in research. Chapter 20 deals with proper paper format. Chapter 21
shows how to do Turabian notes and bibliographies; chapter 22 deals with
the Turabian in-text style, while chapter 23 provides models for APA in-text
notes and reference lists. Together, these chapters give the basic guidelines
for students in theological education who desire to achieve success in
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