Qualitative Research in Criminology 1st Edition by Wilson R. Palacios, ISBN-13: 978-0367598259
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Routledge; 1st edition (June 30, 2020)
- Language: English
- 372 pages
- ISBN-10: 0367598256
- ISBN-13: 978-0367598259
This volume investigates the significant role qualitative research plays in expanding and refining our understandings of crime and justice. It features seventeen original essays that discuss the relationship between methodology and theory. The result is a theoretically engaged volume that explores the approaches of qualitative scholars in the collection and treatment of data in criminological scholarship.
Table of Contents:
Introduction: The Value of Qualitative Research for Advancing
Criminological Theory
Jody Miller and Wilson R. Palacios
Part I. Qualitative Criminology: History and Epistemology
1. Criminal Practice: Fieldwork and Improvisation in Difficult
Dick Hobbs
2. Kites from Drug Research Rehab
Michael Agar
3. Qualitative Research as Theorizing
Peter K. Manning
Part II. Narratives, Biography, and Cultural Meanings of Crime
4. Psychosocial Criminology: Making Sense of Senseless Violence 69
David Gadd and Mary-Louise Corr
5. Research Strategies for Narrative Criminology 85
Lois Presser and Sveinung Sandberg
6. The Culture of Violent Behavior: Language, Culture, and
Worldview of Prison Rape 101
Mark S. Fleisher
Part III. Positionality and the Study of Criminalized Social Worlds
7. Being Trusted with “Inside Knowledge”: Ethnographic
Research with Male Muslim Drug Dealers 135
Sandra M. Bucerius
8. Recalling to Life: Understanding Stickup Kids through Insider
Qualitative Research 155
Randol Contreras
9. Queer Anomalies?: Overcoming Assumptions in
Criminological Research with Gay Men 169
Vanessa R. Panfil
Part IV. Comparative Social Organization of Place and Crime
10. Qualitative Research in Comparative Context: Understanding
Crime and Politics in Brazilian Shantytowns 193
Enrique Desmond Arias
11. Swim against the Tide: Using Qualitative Data to Build a Theory
on Chinese Human Smuggling 215
Sheldon X Zhang and Ko-lin Chin
Part V. Understanding Punishment and Society
12. Observing Prisons, Conceptualizing Punishment: Ethnography
and the Possibility of Theory 237
Lynne Haney
13. Appreciative Inquiry, Generative Theory, and the
“Failed State” Prison 25 I
Alison Liebling
14. Penal Artifacts: Mining Documents to Advance Punishment
and Society Theory 271
Mona Lynch
Part VI. Long Views on Qualitative Criminology
15. Cultural Criminology as Method and Theory 293
Jeff Ferrell
16. Qualitative Research, Theory Development, and Evidence-Based
Corrections: Can Success Stories Be “Evidence”? 3 I I
Shadd Maruna
17. Where Are We? Why Are We Here? Where Are We Going?
How Do We Get There? The Future of Qualitative Research
in American Criminology 339
Richard Wright, Scott Jacques, and Michael Stein
Contributors 351
Index 357
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