Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1111827045
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Cengage Learning; 4th edition (January 1, 2012)
- Language: English
- 864 pages
- ISBN-10: 1111827044
- ISBN-13: 978-1111827045
PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS, Fourth Edition, continues the approach that has made previous editions successful. As a teacher and researcher at a premier engineering school, author Tony Hayter is in touch with engineers daily–and understands their vocabulary. The result of this familiarity with the professional community is a clear and readable writing style that readers understand and appreciate, as well as high-interest, relevant examples and data sets that hold readers’ attention. A flexible approach to the use of computer tools includes tips for using various software packages as well as computer output (using MINITAB and other programs) that offers practice in interpreting output. Extensive use of examples and data sets illustrates the importance of statistical data collection and analysis for students in a variety of engineering areas as well as for students in physics, chemistry, computing, biology, management, and mathematics.
Table of Contents:
About the Author
Case Studies
Ch 1: Probability Theory
1.1 Probabilities
1.2 Events
1.3 Combinations of Events
1.4 Conditional Probability
1.5 Probabilities of Event Intersections
1.6 Posterior Probabilities
1.7 Counting Techniques
1.8 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
1.9 Case Study: Internet Marketing
1.10 Supplementary Problems
Ch 2: Random Variables
2.1 Discrete Random Variables
2.2 Continuous Random Variables
2.3 The Expectation of a Random Variable
2.4 The Variance of a Random Variable
2.5 Jointly Distributed Random Variables
2.6 Combinations and Functions of Random Variables
2.7 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
2.8 Case Study: Internet Marketing
2.9 Supplementary Problems
Ch 3: Discrete Probability Distributions
3.1 The Binomial Distribution
3.2 The Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions
3.3 The Hypergeometric Distribution
3.4 The Poisson Distribution
3.5 The Multinomial Distribution
3.6 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
3.7 Case Study: Internet Marketing
3.8 Supplementary Problems
Ch 4: Continuous Probability Distributions
4.1 The Uniform Distribution
4.2 The Exponential Distribution
4.3 The Gamma Distribution
4.4 The Weibull Distribution
4.5 The Beta Distribution
4.6 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
4.7 Case Study: Internet Marketing
4.8 Supplementary Problems
Ch 5: The Normal Distribution
5.1 Probability Calculations Using the Normal Distribution
5.2 Linear Combinations of Normal Random Variables
5.3 Approximating Distributions with the Normal Distribution
5.4 Distributions Related to the Normal Distribution
5.5 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
5.6 Case Study: Internet Marketing
5.7 Supplementary Problems
Ch 6: Descriptive Statistics
6.1 Experimentation
6.2 Data Presentation
6.3 Sample Statistics
6.4 Examples
6.5 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
6.6 Case Study: Internet Marketing
6.7 Supplementary Problems
Ch 7: Statistical Estimation and Sampling Distributions
7.1 Point Estimates
7.2 Properties of Point Estimates
7.3 Sampling Distributions
7.4 Constructing Parameter Estimates
7.5 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
7.6 Case Study: Internet Marketing
7.7 Supplementary Problems
Guide to Statistical Inference Methodologies
Ch 8: Inferences on a Population Mean
8.1 Confidence Intervals
8.2 Hypothesis Testing
8.3 Summary
8.4 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
8.5 Case Study: Internet Marketing
8.6 Supplementary Problems
Ch 9: Comparing Two Population Means
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Analysis of Paired Samples
9.3 Analysis of Independent Samples
9.4 Summary
9.5 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
9.6 Case Study: Internet Marketing
9.7 Supplementary Problems
Ch 10: Discrete Data Analysis
10.1 Inferences on a Population Proportion
10.2 Comparing Two Population Proportions
10.3 Goodness of Fit Tests for One-Way Contingency Tables
10.4 Testing for Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables
10.5 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
10.6 Case Study: Internet Marketing
10.7 Supplementary Problems
Ch 11: The Analysis of Variance
11.1 One-Factor Analysis of Variance
11.2 Randomized Block Designs
11.3 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
11.4 Case Study: Internet Marketing
11.5 Supplementary Problems
Ch 12: Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
12.1 The Simple Linear Regression Model
12.2 Fitting the Regression Line
12.3 Inferences on the Slope Parameter B
12.4 Inferences on the Regression Line
12.5 Prediction Intervals for Future Response Values
12.6 The Analysis of Variance Table
12.7 Residual Analysis
12.8 Variable Transformations
12.9 Correlation Analysis
12.10 Case Study: Microelectronic Solder Joints
12.11 Case Study: Internet Marketing
12.12 Supplementary Problems
Ch 13: Multiple Linear Regression and Nonlinear Regression
13.1 Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression
13.2 Examples of Multiple Linear Regression
13.3 Matrix Algebra Formulation of Multiple Linear Regression
13.4 Evaluating Model Adequacy
13.5 Nonlinear Regression
13.6 Case Study: Internet Marketing
13.7 Supplementary Problems
Ch 14: Multifactor Experimental Design and Analysis
14.1 Experiments with Two Factors
14.2 Experiments with Three or More Factors
14.3 Case Study: Internet Marketing
14.4 Supplementary Problems
Ch 15: Nonparametric Statistical Analysis
15.1 The Analysis of a Single Population
15.2 Comparing Two Populations
15.3 Comparing Three or More Populations
15.4 Case Study: Internet Marketing
15.5 Supplementary Problems
Ch 16: Quality Control Methods
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Statistical Process Control
16.3 Variable Control Charts
16.4 Attribute Control Charts
16.5 Acceptance Sampling
16.6 Case Study: Internet Marketing
16.7 Supplementary Problems
Ch 17: Reliability Analysis and Life Testing
17.1 System Reliability
17.2 Modeling Failure Rates
17.3 Life Testing
17.4 Case Study: Internet Marketing
17.5 Supplementary Problems
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems
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