Polyvagal Flip Chart: Understanding the Science of Safety by Deb Dana, ISBN-13: 978-0393714722
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- Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company (October 13, 2020)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0393714721
- ISBN-13: 978-0393714722
Offers therapists a low tech–high impact, interactive way to explain polyvagal theory to clients.
When clients are stuck in the cognitive experience of their story, an explanation of polyvagal theory helps to bring their attention to the autonomic experience― to bring the importance of the biology of their experience back into awareness. Yet polyvagal theory can be challenging and intimidating to explain.
This flip chart offers therapists an easy, standardized way to support clients in understanding the role of the autonomic nervous system in their lives. Using a flip chart makes psycho-education an interactive experience. Therapists can feel confident in teaching their clients polyvagal theory by following the chart.
With a flip chart visible during sessions, the therapist can:
- remind clients of the ways the autonomic nervous system has been shaped and is active in their daily living experience,
- display a page corresponding to the present moment, thus anchoring that experience in the theory,
- keep a page of the hierarchy visible when working with a client’s habitual response pattern.
Table of Contents:
What is Polyvagal Theory?
The Autonomic Timeline
The Autonomic Hierarchy
Vagal Components of the Parasympathetic Nervous System
The Sympathetic Nervous System
The Autonomic Ladder
Newest Evolutionary Circuit–Ventral Vagal
The Sympathetic Response
Earliest Evolutionary Circuit–Dorsal Vagal
The Social Engagement System
Blended States
The Vagal Brake
Ventral Vagal Oversees The System All Systems Online
Sympathetic Nervous System Takes Over
Dorsal Vagal System in Charge
The Autonomic Impact of Trauma
Stuck in an Autonomic Cycle
Navigating the Autonomic Hierarchy with Flexibility
The Experience of Comparing
Personal Profile Map
Triggers and Glimmers Map
Regulating Resources Map
Deb Dana, LCSW, is a clinician, consultant, and speaker specializing in complex trauma. She is the leading translator of Dr. Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory for both clinical and general audiences, and the best-selling author of Polyvagal Practices, Polyvagal Card Deck, The Polyvagal Flip Chart, Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection, The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, and co-editor with Dr. Stephen Porges of Clinical Applications of The Polyvagal Theory. She trains therapists around the world in how to bring a Polyvagal approach into their clinical practice, and also works with agencies and larger systems to explore how to incorporate a Polyvagal perspective.
She is founding member of The Polyvagal Institute, a consultant to Khiron Clinics, and an advisor to Unyte. Visit her website at
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