
Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal 11th Edition by Terence Ball, ISBN-13: 978-0367235116

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Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal 11th Edition by Terence Ball, ISBN-13: 978-0367235116

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Routledge; 11th edition (July 31, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 426 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0367235110
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0367235116

Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal analyzes political ideologies to help readers understand individual ideologies, and the concept of ideology, from a political science perspective. This best-selling title promotes open-mindedness and develops critical thinking skills. It covers a wide variety of political ideologies from the traditional liberalism and conservatism to recent developments in liberation politics, the emergence of the Alt-Right, and environmental politics.


  • Focus on the recent rise of populism and an “illiberal democracy” and how this poses a real challenge to the pillars of Western Liberal democracy;
  • A look at early Conservatives and the idea of “natural aristocracy” with focus on the thoughts of Edmund Burke;
  • A new discussion on whether Donald Trump is really a conservative, and if so, to what extent this is true;
  • An expanded look at Stalinism and the apparent rebirth of “Mao Zedong thought” in China through “Xi Jinping thought”;
  • A more in-depth look at the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and how “myth” was crucial to legitimizing both the man and the party;
  • New section on the history of American Fascism, from its origins to the recent emergence of the “Alt-Right”;
  • Expansion of the discussion around the recent protest movements Black Lives Matter, and #MeToo, along with the repercussions of these movements;
  • Discussion on the obstacles facing transgender people implemented in recent years, including the bathroom laws and the ban from US military service;
  • Account of how Donald Trump has galvanized the environmental movement like never before, through his ardent anti-environment policies and appointments;
  • In-depth look at how the effects of climate change are increasingly turning people into “environmental migrants” and how the presence of these people has fueled far-right movements across Europe and the US;
  • Additional photos throughout;

Table of Contents:

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  10. Part One Ideology and Democracy
  11. Chapter 1 Ideology and Ideologies
  12. Why Political Ideology?
  13. A Working Definition of “Ideology”
  14. Human Nature and Freedom
  15. Human Nature
  16. Freedom
  17. Ideology and Revolution
  18. Nationalism, Populism, and Anarchism
  19. Nationalism
  20. Populism
  21. Anarchism
  22. Conclusion
  23. Chapter 2 The Democratic Ideal
  24. The Origins of Democracy
  25. Democracy and Republic
  26. The Republic and Mixed Government
  27. Christianity and Democracy
  28. Renaissance and Republicanism
  29. The Atlantic Republican Tradition
  30. The Return of Democracy
  31. Seventeenth-Century Democrats
  32. The United States as Democratic Republic
  33. Tocqueville on Democracy
  34. The Growth of Democracy
  35. Democracy as an Ideal—And in Practice
  36. Four Conceptions of Democracy
  37. Conclusion
  38. Part Two The Development of Political Ideologies
  39. Chapter 3 Liberalism
  40. Liberalism, Human Nature, and Freedom
  41. Historical Background
  42. Medieval Origins
  43. The Protestant Reformation
  44. Liberalism and Revolution
  45. England
  46. The American Revolution
  47. The French Revolution
  48. Liberalism and Capitalism
  49. Adam Smith
  50. Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century
  51. Utilitarianism
  52. Liberalism Divided
  53. Neoclassical Liberalism
  54. Welfare Liberalism
  55. Liberalism in the Twentieth Century
  56. Historical Developments
  57. Philosophical Considerations
  58. The Libertarian Vision
  59. Liberalism Today: Divisions and Differences
  60. Conclusion
  61. Liberalism as an Ideology
  62. Liberalism and the Democratic Ideal
  63. Coda 1: The Limits of Liberal Toleration
  64. Coda 2: A New New Deal?
  65. Coda 3: The “Occupy” Movement
  66. Chapter 4 Conservatism
  67. The Politics of Imperfection
  68. The Conservatism of Edmund Burke
  69. Human Nature
  70. Freedom
  71. Revolution and Reform
  72. Burke on Government
  73. Burke’s Legacy
  74. Conservatism in the Nineteenth Century
  75. Conservatism and Reaction
  76. Tory Democracy
  77. Conservatism in the United States
  78. Conservatism in the Twentieth Century
  79. Conservatism Versus Mass Society
  80. Levelling
  81. Conservatives and Communism
  82. Conservatism Today: A House Divided
  83. Traditional Conservatism
  84. Individualist Conservatism
  85. Neoconservatism
  86. The Religious Right
  87. “Fusionist” Conservatism
  88. Conclusion
  89. Conservatism as an Ideology
  90. Conservatism and the Democratic Ideal
  91. Chapter 5 Socialism and Communism: From More to Marx
  92. Human Nature and Freedom
  93. Socialism: The Precursors
  94. Saint-Simon
  95. Fourier
  96. Owen
  97. The Socialism of Karl Marx
  98. The Young Marx
  99. The Influence of Hegel
  100. Marx’s Theory of History
  101. Marx’s Critique of Capitalism
  102. Marx’s Theory of Revolution
  103. The Revolutionary Sequence
  104. Chapter 6 Socialism and Communism After Marx
  105. Marxism After Marx
  106. Engels’s Marxism
  107. The Revisionists
  108. Soviet Marxism-Leninism
  109. Chinese Communism
  110. Maoism’s Influence Abroad
  111. North Korea
  112. Critical Western Marxism
  113. Non-Marxist Socialism
  114. Anarcho-Communism
  115. Christian Socialism
  116. Fabian Socialism
  117. American Socialism
  118. Socialism Today
  119. Conclusion
  120. Socialism as an Ideology
  121. Socialism and the Democratic Ideal
  122. Chapter 7 Fascism
  123. Fascism: The Background
  124. The Counter-Enlightenment
  125. Nationalism
  126. Elitism
  127. Irrationalism
  128. Fascism in Italy
  129. Mussolini and Italian Fascism
  130. Fascism in Theory and Practice
  131. Fascism in Germany: Nazism
  132. Hitler and Nazism
  133. Nazism in Theory and Practice
  134. Human Nature and Freedom
  135. Fascism Elsewhere
  136. Fascism Today
  137. Fascism in America
  138. The “Alt-Right”
  139. Conclusion
  140. Fascism as an Ideology
  141. Fascism and the Democratic Ideal
  142. Part Three Political Ideologies Today and Tomorrow
  143. Chapter 8 Liberation Ideologies and the Politics of Identity
  144. Liberation Ideologies: Common Characteristics
  145. Black Liberation
  146. Women’s Liberation (Feminism)
  147. Gay Liberation (LGBT)
  148. Native People’s Liberation (Indigenism)
  149. Liberation Theology
  150. Animal Liberation
  151. Conclusion
  152. Liberty, Identity, and Ideology
  153. Liberation, Identity, and the Democratic Ideal
  154. Chapter 9 “Green” Politics: Ecology as Ideology
  155. The Green Critique of Other Ideologies
  156. Toward an Ecological Ethic
  157. Unresolved Differences
  158. Conclusion
  159. Ecology as Ideology
  160. Ecology, Freedom, and the Democratic Ideal
  161. Coda: The End of Environmentalism?
  162. Chapter 10 Radical Islamism
  163. Islam: A Short History
  164. Radical Islamism
  165. The Rise of ISIS
  166. Human Nature and Freedom
  167. Conclusion
  168. Radical Islamism as an Ideology
  169. Radical Islamism and the Democratic Ideal
  170. Chapter 11 Postscript: The Future of Ideology
  171. Political Ideologies: Continuing Forces
  172. Nationalism and Ideology
  173. Religion and Ideology
  174. Ideology and Public Policy
  175. Ideology, the Environment, and Globalization
  176. Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal
  177. The End of Ideology?
  178. Glossary
  179. Name Index
  180. Subject Index

TERENCE BALL received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and is now Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Arizona State University. He taught previously at the University of Minnesota and has held visiting professorships at Oxford University, Cambridge University, and the University of California, San Diego. His books include Transforming Political Discourse (1988), Reappraising Political Theory (1995), and a mystery novel, Rousseau’s Ghost (1998). He has also edited The Federalist (2003), James Madison (2008), Abraham Lincoln: Political Writings and Speeches (2013), and coedited The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought (2003).

RICHARD DAGGER earned his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and has taught at Arizona State University and Rhodes College, and the University of Richmond, where he is currently the E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Chair in the Liberal Arts. He is the author of many publications in political and legal philosophy, including Civic Virtues: Rights, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism (1997) and Playing Fair: Political Obligation and the Problem of Punishment (2018).

DANIEL I. O’NEILL holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles and is now Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida. He is the author of The Burke-Wollstonecraft Debate: Savagery, Civilization, and Democracy (2007), coeditor of Illusion of Consent: Engaging with Carole Pateman (2008), and author, most recently, of Edmund Burke and the Conservative Logic of Empire (2016) .

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