Physics 5th Edition by Alan Giambattista, ISBN-13: 978-1260486919
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: McGraw Hill; 5th edition (March 1, 2019)
- Language: English
- 1232 pages
- ISBN-10: 1260486915
- ISBN-13: 978-1260486919
This Physics textbook presents the basic concepts of physics that students need to know for later courses and future careers. This algebra-based text helps students learn that physics is a tool for understanding the real world, and to teach transferable problem-solving skills, that students can use throughout their entire lives. Some of the most important enhancements in this edition include: inclusion of math topic reviews, new/updated MCAT exam coverage added and on online, review and synthesis problems added, new biomedical applications, lists of biomedical applications at the beginning of each chapter, new ranking tasks, checkpoints, and collaborative problems. Connections have also been enhanced to help students see the bigger picture.
Table of Contents:
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Information
About the Author
Brief Contents
List of Selected Applications
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Why Study Physics?
1.2 Talking Physics
1.3 The Use of Mathematics
1.4 Scientific Notation and Significant Figures
1.5 Units
1.6 Dimensional Analysis
1.7 Problem-Solving Techniques
1.8 Approximation
1.9 Graphs
Online Supplement: How to Succeed in Your Physics Class
Part One Mechanics
Chapter 2 Force
2.1 Interactions and Forces
2.2 Graphical Vector Addition
2.3 Acceleration: Rate of Change of Velocity
2.4 Visualizing Motion Along a Line With Constant Acceleration
2.5 Kinematic Equations for Motion Along a Line with Constant Acceleration
2.6 Free Fall
Chapter 3 Acceleration and Newton’s Second Law of Motion
3.1 Position and Displacement
3.2 Velocity
3.3 Acceleration and Newton’s Second Law of Motion
3.4 Applying Newton’s Laws
3.5 Velocity Is Relative; Reference Frames
Chapter 4 Motion with Constant Acceleration
4.1 Motion Along a Line When the Net Force Is Constant
4.2 Kinematic Equations for Motion Along a Line with Constant Acceleration
4.3 Net Force, Mass, and Acceleration: Newton’s Second Law of Motion
4.4 Interaction Pairs: Newton’s Third Law of Motion
4.5 Gravitational Forces
4.6 Contact Forces
4.7 Tension
4.8 Applying Newton’s Laws
4.9 Reference Frames
4.10 Apparent Weight
4.11 Air Resistance
4.12 Fundamental Forces
Online Supplement: Air Resistance
Chapter 5 Circular Motion
5.1 Description of Uniform Circular Motion
5.2 Radial Acceleration
5.3 Unbanked and Banked Curves
5.4 Circular Orbits of Satellites and Planets
5.5 Nonuniform Circular Motion
5.6 Angular Acceleration
5.7 Apparent Weight and Artificial Gravity
Chapter 6 Conservation of Energy
6.1 The Law of Conservation of Energy
6.2 Work Done by a Constant Force
6.3 Kinetic Energy
6.4 Gravitational Potential Energy and Mechanical Energy
6.5 Gravitational Potential Energy for an Orbit
6.6 Work Done by Variable Forces
6.7 Elastic Potential Energy
6.8 Power
Chapter 7 Linear Momentum
7.1 A Conservation Law for a Vector Quantity
7.2 Momentum
7.3 The Impulse-Momentum Theorem
7.4 Conservation of Momentum
7.5 Center of Mass
7.6 Motion of the Center of Mass
7.7 Collisions in One Dimension
7.8 Collisions in Two Dimensions
Chapter 8 Torque and Angular Momentum
8.1 Rotational Kinetic Energy and Rotational Inertia
8.2 Torque
8.3 Calculating Work Done from the Torque
8.4 Rotational Equilibrium
8.5 Application: Equilibrium in the Human Body
8.6 Rotational Form of Newton’s Second Law
8.7 The Motion of Rolling Objects
8.8 Angular Momentum
8.9 The Vector Nature of Angular Momentum
Online Supplement: Mechanical Advantage; Rotational Inertia
Chapter 9 Fluids
9.1 States of Matter
9.2 Pressure
9.3 Pascal’s Principle
9.4 The Effect of Gravity on Fluid Pressure
9.5 Measuring Pressure
9.6 The Buoyant Force
9.7 Fluid Flow
9.8 Bernoulli’s Equation
9.9 Viscosity
9.10 Viscous Drag
9.11 Surface Tension
Online Supplement: Turbulent Flow; Surface Tension
Chapter 10 Elasticity and Oscillations
10.1 Elastic Deformations of Solids
10.2 Hooke’s Law for Tensile and Compressive Forces
10.3 Beyond Hooke’s Law
10.4 Shear and Volume Deformations
10.5 Simple Harmonic Motion
10.6 The Period and Frequency for SHM
10.7 Graphical Analysis of SHM
10.8 The Pendulum
10.9 Damped Oscillations
10.10 Forced Oscillations and Resonance
Online Supplement: Period of a Physical Pendulum
Chapter 11 Waves
11.1 Waves and Energy Transport
11.2 Transverse and Longitudinal Waves
11.3 Speed of Transverse Waves on a String
11.4 Periodic Waves
11.5 Mathematical Description of a Wave
11.6 Graphing Waves
11.7 Principle of Superposition
11.8 Reflection and Refraction
11.9 Interference and Diffraction
11.10 Standing Waves
Online Supplement: Refraction
Chapter 12 Sound
12.1 Sound Waves
12.2 The Speed of Sound Waves
12.3 Amplitude and Intensity of Sound Waves
12.4 Standing Sound Waves
12.5 Timbre
12.6 The Human Ear
12.7 Beats
12.8 The Doppler Effect
12.9 Echolocation and Medical Imaging
Online Supplement: Attenuation (Damping) of Sound Waves; Supersonic Flight
Part Two Thermal Physics
Chapter 13 Temperature and the Ideal Gas
13.1 Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium
13.2 Temperature Scales
13.3 Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids
13.4 Molecular Picture of a Gas
13.5 Absolute Temperature and the Ideal Gas Law
13.6 Kinetic Theory of the Ideal Gas
13.7 Temperature and Reaction Rates
13.8 Diffusion
Online Supplement: Mean Free Path
Chapter 14 Heat
14.1 Internal Energy
14.2 Heat
14.3 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat
14.4 Specific Heat of Ideal Gases
14.5 Phase Transitions
14.6 Thermal Conduction
14.7 Thermal Convection
14.8 Thermal Radiation
Online Supplement: Convection
Chapter 15 Thermodynamics
15.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics
15.2 Thermodynamic Processes
15.3 Thermodynamic Processes for an Ideal Gas
15.4 Reversible and Irreversible Processes
15.5 Heat Engines
15.6 Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
15.7 Reversible Engines and Heat Pumps
15.8 Entropy
15.9 The Third Law of Thermodynamics
Online Supplement: A Reversible Engine Has the Maximum Possible Efficiency; Details of the Carnot Cycle; Entropy and Statistics
Part Three Electromagnetism
Chapter 16 Electric Forces and Fields
16.1 Electric Charge
16.2 Electric Conductors and Insulators
16.3 Coulomb’s Law
16.4 The Electric Field
16.5 Motion of a Point Charge in a Uniform Electric Field
16.6 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium
16.7 Gauss’s Law for Electric Fields
Chapter 17 Electric Potential
17.1 Electric Potential Energy
17.2 Electric Potential
17.3 The Relationship Between Electric Field and Potential
17.4 Conservation of Energy for Moving Charges
17.5 Capacitors
17.6 Dielectrics
17.7 Energy Stored in a Capacitor
Chapter 18 Electric Current and Circuits
18.1 Electric Current
18.2 Emf and Circuits
18.3 Microscopic View of Current in a Metal: The Free-Electron Model
18.4 Resistance and Resistivity
18.5 Kirchhoff’s Rules
18.6 Series and Parallel Circuits
18.7 Circuit Analysis Using Kirchhoff’s Rules
18.8 Power and Energy in Circuits
18.9 Measuring Currents and Voltages
18.10 RC Circuits
18.11 Electrical Safety
Chapter 19 Magnetic Forces and Fields
19.1 Magnetic Fields
19.2 Magnetic Force on a Point Charge
19.3 Charged Particle Moving Perpendicularly to a Uniform Magnetic Field
19.4 Motion of a Charged Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field: General
19.5 A Charged Particle in Crossed E→ and B→ Fields
19.6 Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire
19.7 Torque on a Current Loop
19.8 Magnetic Field due to an Electric Current
19.9 Ampère’s Law
19.10 Magnetic Materials
Chapter 20 Electromagnetic Induction
20.1 Motional Emf
20.2 Electric Generators
20.3 Faraday’s Law
20.4 Lenz’s Law
20.5 Back Emf in a Motor
20.6 Transformers
20.7 Eddy Currents
20.8 Induced Electric Fields
20.9 Inductance
20.10 LR Circuits
Chapter 21 Alternating Current
21.1 Sinusoidal Currents and Voltages: Resistors in ac Circuits
21.2 Electricity in the Home
21.3 Capacitors in ac Circuits
21.4 Inductors in ac Circuits
21.5 RLC Series Circuits
21.6 Resonance in an RLC Circuit
21.7 Converting ac to dc; Filters
Part Four Electromagnetic Waves and Optics
Chapter 22 Electromagnetic Waves
22.1 Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves
22.2 Antennas
22.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
22.4 Speed of EM Waves in Vacuum and in Matter
22.5 Characteristics of Traveling Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum
22.6 Energy Transport by EM Waves
22.7 Polarization
22.8 The Doppler Effect for EM Waves
Online Supplement: Ampère-Maxwell Law
Chapter 23 Reflection and Refraction of Light
23.1 Wavefronts, Rays, and Huygens’s Principle
23.2 The Reflection of Light
23.3 The Refraction of Light: Snell’s Law
23.4 Total Internal Reflection
23.5 Polarization by Reflection
23.6 The Formation of Images Through Reflection or Refraction
23.7 Plane Mirrors
23.8 Spherical Mirrors
23.9 Thin Lenses
Chapter 24 Optical Instruments
24.1 Lenses in Combination
24.2 Cameras
24.3 The Eye
24.4 Angular Magnification and the Simple Magnifier
24.5 Compound Microscopes
24.6 Telescopes
24.7 Aberrations of Lenses and Mirrors
Chapter 25 Interference and Diffraction
25.1 Constructive and Destructive Interference
25.2 The Michelson Interferometer
25.3 Thin Films
25.4 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment
25.5 Gratings
25.6 Diffraction and Huygens’s Principle
25.7 Diffraction by a Single Slit
25.8 Diffraction and the Resolution of Optical Instruments
25.9 X-Ray Diffraction
25.10 Holography
Part Five Quantum and Particle Physics and Relativity
Chapter 26 Relativity
26.1 Postulates of Relativity
26.2 Simultaneity and Ideal Observers
26.3 Time Dilation
26.4 Length Contraction
26.5 Velocities in Different Reference Frames
26.6 Relativistic Momentum
26.7 Mass and Energy
26.8 Relativistic Kinetic Energy
Chapter 27 Early Quantum Physics and the Photon
27.1 Quantization
27.2 Blackbody Radiation
27.3 The Photoelectric Effect
27.4 X-Ray Production
27.5 Compton Scattering
27.6 Spectroscopy and Early Models of the Atom
27.7 The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom; Atomic Energy Levels
27.8 Pair Annihilation and Pair Production
Online Supplement: Radii of the Bohr Orbits
Chapter 28 Quantum Physics
28.1 The Wave-Particle Duality
28.2 Matter Waves
28.3 Electron Microscopes
28.4 The Uncertainty Principle
28.5 Wave Functions for a Confined Particle
28.6 The Hydrogen Atom: Wave Functions and Quantum Numbers
28.7 The Exclusion Principle; Electron Configurations for Atoms Other Than Hydrogen
28.8 Electron Energy Levels in a Solid
28.9 Lasers
28.10 Tunneling
Online Supplement: Energy Levels in Solids
Chapter 29 Nuclear Physics
29.1 Nuclear Structure
29.2 Binding Energy
29.3 Radioactivity
29.4 Radioactive Decay Rates and Half-Lives
29.5 Biological Effects of Radiation
29.6 Induced Nuclear Reactions
29.7 Fission
29.8 Fusion
Chapter 30 Particle Physics
30.1 Fundamental Particles
30.2 Fundamental Interactions
30.3 Beyond the Standard Model
30.4 Particle Accelerators
30.5 Unanswered Questions in Particle Physics
Appendix A Mathematics Review
A.1 Algebra
A.2 Graphs of Linear Functions
A.3 Solving Equations
A.4 Exponents and Logarithms
A.5 Proportions and Ratios
A.6 Geometry
A.7 Trigonometry
A.8 Sinusoidal Functions of Time
A.9 Approximations
A.10 Vectors
A.11 Symbols Used in This Book
Appendix B Reference Information
B.1 Physical Constants
B.2 Unit Conversions
B.3 SI Prefixes
B.4 SI Derived Units
B.5 Useful Physical Data
B.6 Astrophysical Data
B.7 Periodic Table of the Elements
B.8 Properties of Selected Nuclides
Answers to Selected Questions and Problems
Alan Giambattista hails from northern New Jersey. His teaching career got an early start when his fourth-grade teacher, Anne Berry, handed the class over to him to teach a few lessons about atoms and molecules. At Brigham Young University, he studied piano performance and physics. After graduate work at Cornell University, he joined the physics faculty and has taught introductory physics there for nearly three decades.
Alan still appears in concert regularly as a pianist and harpsichordist. When the long upstate New York winter is finally over, he is eager to get out on Cayuga Lake’s waves of blue for Sunday sailboat races. Alan met his wife Marion in a singing group and they have been making beautiful music together ever since. They live in an 1824 parsonage built for an abolitionist minister, which is now surrounded by an organic dairy farm. Besides taking care of the house, cats, and gardens, they love to travel together, especially to Italy. They also love to spoil their adorable grandchildren, Ivy and Leo.
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