Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers 5th Edition by Teri Moser Woo, ISBN-13: 978-0803669260
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- Publisher: F.A. Davis Company; Fifth edition (October 17, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0803669267
- ISBN-13: 978-0803669260
Here’s the in-depth information students need to be safe and effective prescribers of medications.
This exceptional text builds students’ knowledge of pharmacology by first providing an overview of pharmacologic principles and then teaches them how to apply those principles to clinical practice.
Updated to reflect the most current standards of practice, the 5th Edition continues to focus on the medications and prescribing applications for conditions most relevant to Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers, exploring diagnostic and treatment reasoning and rational drug selection to build a strong knowledge base.
APPLYING—Case Studies
Online case studies for each body system let students exercise their clinical reasoning skills by applying what they’ve learned in the textbook to real-world scenarios. Each online case begins with a chief complaint, a brief patient history, and key assessment data. Each case is then followed by 4-5 questions that test the student’s knowledge of concepts such as the appropriate prescription for the patient, recommendations for patient monitoring, and the ideal patient education. Instructors are provided with model answers for each of the questions associated with the case.
For instructors, it provides the real-time information they need to monitor, track, and assess their class’ vital signs, their students’ mastery of the content and their clinical decision-making skills. They’ll be able to easily identify the areas in which students are struggling and intervene quickly in class and on assignments to ensure that they succeed.
Table of Contents:
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Authors
Unit I. The Foundation
Chapter 1: The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse as Prescriber
Chapter 2: Review of Basic Principles of Pharmacology
Chapter 3: Rational Drug Selection
Chapter 4: Legal and Professional Issues in Prescribing
Chapter 5: Adverse Drug Reactions
Chapter 6: An Introduction to Pharmacogenomics
Chapter 7: Nutrition and Nutraceuticals
Chapter 8: Herbal Therapies and Cannabis
Chapter 9: Information Technology and Pharmacotherapeutics
Chapter 10: Pharmacoeconomics
Unit II. Pharmacotherapeutics with Single Drugs
Chapter 11: Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 12: Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System
Chapter 13: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular and Renal Systems
Chapter 14: Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System
Chapter 15: Drugs Affecting the Hematological System
Chapter 16: Drugs Affecting the Immune System
Chapter 17: Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal System
Chapter 18: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System: Pancreatic Hormones and Antidiabetic Drugs
Chapter 19: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System: Pituitary, Thyroid, and Adrenal Drugs
Chapter 20: Drugs Affecting the Reproductive System
Chapter 21: Drugs Affecting the Bones and Joints
Chapter 22: Drugs Affecting the Integumentary System
Chapter 23: Drugs Used to Treat Bacterial Infections
Chapter 24: Drugs Used to Treat Viral, Fungal, and Protozoal Infections
Chapter 25: Drugs Used to Treat Inflammatory Processes
Chapter 26: Drugs Used to Treat Eye and Ear Disorders
Unit III. Pharmacotherapeutics with Multiple Drugs
Chapter 27: Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Chapter 28: Anemia
Chapter 29: Angina
Chapter 30: Anxiety and Depression
Chapter 31: Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
Chapter 32: Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chapter 33: Contraception
Chapter 34: Dermatological Conditions
Chapter 35: Diabetes Mellitus
Chapter 36: Gastroesophageal Reflux and Peptic Ulcer Disease
Chapter 37: Headaches
Chapter 38: Heart Failure
Chapter 39: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Chapter 40: Hormone Replacement Therapy
Chapter 41: Hyperlipidemia
Chapter 42: Hypertension
Chapter 43: Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism
Chapter 44: Pain Management: Acute and Chronic Pain
Chapter 45: Pneumonia
Chapter 46: Tobacco Cessation
Chapter 47: Sexually Transmitted Infections and Vaginitis
Chapter 48: Tuberculosis
Chapter 49: Upper Respiratory Infection, Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, Otitis Media, and Otitis Externa
Chapter 50: Urinary Tract Infections
Unit IV. Special Drug Treatment Considerations
Chapter 51: Women as Patients
Chapter 52: Men as Patients
Chapter 53: Pediatric Patients
Chapter 54: Transgendered Clients as Patients
Chapter 55: Geriatric Patients
Appendix A: New Drug Development
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