
Occupational Health Law 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1405185905

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Occupational Health Law 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1405185905
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

400 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 5 edition (April 26, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781405185905
ISBN-13: 978-1405185905

Kloss on ‘Occupational Health Law’ has become the standard reference work on the subject since it was first published in 1989. Detailed but highly readable, it provides an essential source of information for health professionals working in occupational health and also for human resources staff.

In the years since the 4th edition was written there have been many changes in the field of occupational health, which has achieved a higher profile nationally with the publication of Dame Carol Black’s review of the health of Britain’s working age population in 2008. This edition, which has been fully revised, includes new sections on age discrimination and expert witnesses, and the sections on discrimination, especially disability discrimination, the Working Time Regulations, stress related illness, corporate manslaughter and confidentiality, in particular, have been substantially updated.

– The established work on the subject
– Fully revised in line with current legislation and case law
– Essential reference for occupational health, personnel and health and safety departments
– ‘Essential reading… clear, straight to the point… superb value for money’
—Occupational Safety and Health


“Diana Kloss writes with great authority on occupational health law. With experience gained as honorary senior lecturer, barrister, part-time employment judge, arbitrator, member of the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council and chair of the Council for Work and Health, she covers a wide range of topics with great authority, backing up her assertions with solid references to research and case law. ” (Nursing Standard, 16 March 2011)

“In summary, this is an essential reference source for those working in occupational health. It is expensive, yet represents good value for money. Given the implications of law for occupational medicine practice, this is essential reading for OH physicians.” (Occupational Medicine, 2 0 1 0)

“The delight of OHL is that it caters for experts and those new to the subject. The opening chapter is an excellent introduction to the way law works. Thereafter, it follows a logical path through medical records and pre-employment screening, to health and safety and discrimination law. It remains an invaluable and enjoyable text.” (Occupational Health at Work, July-August 2010)

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