
Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy 13th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1138218154

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Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy 13th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1138218154
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

776 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 13 edition (August 9, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1138218154
ISBN-13: 978-1138218154

Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy, now in its thirteenth edition, continues to be the leading text for one-semester courses in labor economics at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

It offers a thorough overview of the modern theory of labor market behavior, and reveals how this theory is used to analyze public policy. Designed for students who may not have extensive backgrounds in economics, the text balances theoretical coverage with examples of practical applications that allow students to see concepts in action.

Experienced educators for nearly four decades, co-authors Ehrenberg and Smith believe that showing students the social implications of the concepts discussed in the course will enhance their motivation to learn. As such, this text presents numerous examples of policy decisions that have been affected by the ever-shifting labor market.

This new edition continues to offer:

– a balance of relevant, contemporary examples;

– coverage of the current economic climate;

– introduction to basic methodological techniques and problems;

– tools for review and further study.

In addition to providing updated data and examples throughout, the thirteenth edition offers greater coverage of inequality, healthcare policy, and labor-replacing technologies.


“Modern Labor Economics incorporates current policy issues while maintaining a strong focus on economic theory. The summaries of seminal academic works are indisputably important for bolstering student knowledge, and the inclusion of real-world applications makes the research far more comprehensible to a broader audience.” ― Dr. Tongzhe Li, Department of Applied Economics and Statistics, University of Delaware, USA.

“A classic in the field of labor economics. Indeed, as the title implies, Ehrenberg and Smith literally put the modern in labor economics as taught to undergraduates. Since first published in 1982, many competing textbooks in labor have come and gone. Ehrenberg and Smith, with impeccable writing, comprehensive coverage of the relevant topics, and intuitive application of economic analysis to the critical public policy problems of the day, has stood both the market test and the test of time.” ― Kevin J. Murphy, Professor of Economics, Oakland University, Rochester Michigan, USA.

About the Author

Ronald G. Ehrenberg is the Irving M. Ives Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and Economics at Cornell University, USA.

Robert S. Smith is Professor of Economics in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations and Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow at Cornell University, USA.

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