
Math Basics for the Health Care Professional 5th Edition by Michele Lesmeister, ISBN-13: 978-0134703695

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Math Basics for the Health Care Professional 5th Edition by Michele Lesmeister, ISBN-13: 978-0134703695

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Pearson; 5th edition (July 23, 2017)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 464 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0134703693
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0134703695

For all learners preparing for allied health careers or seeking to upgrade their skills and move on to new responsibilities. This text is ideal for high school vocational programs; adult education programs; individual self-study; pre-nursing studies; and in-house or on-the-job training programs.

Successfully master the basic math skills needed in today’s health professions.

Math Basics for Healthcare Professionals, 5th Edition, has a fresh, open design that includes white space for practice, plus many helpful learning features. Designed to help any learner master the math skills needed in the current healthcare workplace, this entry-level text begins with a comprehensive pre-test to gauge readers’ abilities and remediation needs. Next, it offers practical, health-centered coverage of pre-algebra, the metric system, reading drug labels, medicine cups, syringes, intravenous administration bags, parenteral dosages, basic intravenous administration, and basic dosage by weight units. Each unit provides a pre-test, followed by concept review, instruction, examples, practice problems, critical-thinking questions, and a post-test. Appendices include answers to odd-numbered practice problems, additional practice, a comprehensive post-test, and student learning resources. Organized to build skills sequentially, the text uses clear writing, simple explanations, healthcare-specific examples, abundant practice exercises, and proven mnemonics to support retention.

Table of Contents:

Preface for Educators and Learners

Health Occupations Matrix of Math Skills and Pre-Test

Math for Health Care Professionals Pre-Test

Unit 1: Whole Number Review

Unit 2: Fractions

Unit 3: Decimals

Unit 4: Metric Measurement

Unit 5: Ratio and Proportion

Unit 6: Measurement Conversions

Unit 7: Percents

Unit 8: Combined Applications

Unit 9: Pre-Algebra Basics

Unit 10: Reading Drug Labels, Medicine Cups, Syringes, and Intravenous Fluid Administration Bags

Unit 11: Apothecary Measurement and Conversion

Unit 12: Dosage Calculations

Unit 13: Parental Dosage

Unit 14: The Basics of Intravenous Fluid Administration

Unit 15: Basic Dosage by Body Weight

Appendix A: Comprehensive Post-Test

Answers for the Post-Test

Appendix B: Practice Tests Units 1-15

Answers Key for Practice Exams Units 1-15

Appendix C: Answer Key

Appendix D: Dimensional Analysis

Answers Key for Appendix D

Appendix E: Student Resources for Math

Michele Benjamin Lesmeister has more than 40 years of experience teaching a wide variety of adults including second-language learners, industry experts, college preparatory students, public agency personnel, and other faculty. She embraces the attitude that all students can learn math. Furthermore, she believes that a student’s success is often tied to the presentation of materials. Therefore, the colloquial quality of this text’s explanations of math processes creates a can-do approach to, and image of, math. In health care, math is a necessary job skill; math proficiency, in turn, will lead to more job opportunities.

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