
Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment 12th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259969515

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Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment 12th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259969515

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ McGraw Hill; 12th edition (September 3, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 880 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1259969517
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1259969515

The emphasis of Managerial Accounting, 12th edition, is on teaching students to use accounting information to best manage an organization. Consistent with the practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic business or focus company that guides the reader through the topics of that chapter. Known for balanced examples of Service, Retail, Nonprofit and Manufacturing companies, Hilton/Platt offers a clear, engaging writing style that has been praised by instructors and students alike. The 12th edition of Managerial Accounting offers significant coverage of contemporary topics such as activity-based costing, target costing, the value chain, customer profitability analysis, and throughput costing while also including traditional topics such as job-order costing, budgeting and performance evaluation.

Table of Contents:

1. The Crucial Role of Managerial Accounting in a Dynamic Business
Environment 2
2. Basic Cost Management Concepts 34
3. Product Costing and Cost Accumulation in a Batch
Production Environment 80
4. Process Costing and Hybrid Product-Costing Systems 136
5. Activity-Based Costing and Management 168
6. Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation 232
7. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 282
8. Variable Costing and the Measurement of ESG and Quality Costs 332
9. Financial Planning and Analysis: The Master Budget 368
10. Standard Costing and Analysis of Direct Costs 430
11. Flexible Budgeting and Analysis of Overhead Costs 474
12. Responsibility Accounting and the Balanced Scorecard 520
13. Investment Centers and Transfer Pricing 572
14. Decision Making: Relevant Costs and Benefits 616
15. Target Costing and Cost Analysis for Pricing Decisions 666
16. Capital Expenditure Decisions 708
17. Allocation of Support Activity Costs and Joint Costs 760
Appendix I: The Sarbanes–Oxley Act, Internal Controls, and Management
Accounting 788
Appendix II: Compound Interest and the Concept of Present Value 794
Appendix III: Inventory Management 802
References for “In Their Own Words” 809
Glossary 812
Index of Companies and Organizations 823
Index of Subjects 826
Focus on Ethics Statement 848

Ronald W. Hilton is a Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Cornell University. With bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from The Pennsylvania State University, he received his PhD from The Ohio State University. A Cornell faculty member since 1977, Professor Hilton also has taught accounting at Ohio State and the University of Florida, where he held the position of Walter J. Matherly Professor of Accounting. Prior to pursuing his doctoral studies, Hilton worked for Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company and served as an officer in the United States Air Force. Professor Hilton is a member of the Institute of Management Accountants and has been active in the American Accounting Association. He has served as associate editor of The Accounting Review and as a member of its editorial board. Hilton also has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Management Accounting Research. He has been a member of the resident faculties of both the Doctoral Consortium and the New Faculty Consortium sponsored by the American Accounting Association. With wide-ranging research interests, Hilton has published articles in many journals, including the Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Management Science, Decision Sciences, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Contemporary Accounting Research, and the Journal of Mathematical Psychology. He also has published a monograph in the AAA Studies in Accounting Research series, and he is a co-author of Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions, Budgeting: Profit Planning and Control, and Cost Accounting: Concepts and Managerial Applications. Professor Hilton’s current research interests focus on contemporary cost management systems and international issues in managerial accounting. In recent years, he has toured manufacturing facilities and consulted with practicing managerial accountants in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

David E. Platt is a member of the Accounting faculty and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs at the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin. He earned a BS Econ from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA in Marketing from Syracuse University, and a PhD from Cornell University. After earning his CPA while working for Pricewaterhouse Coopers, he spent several years doing financial and product management at a supply chain systems integrator. Dr. Platt currently teaches a variety of managerial accounting courses at UT, including the sophomore-level Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting, and has received teaching awards at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He directed UT–Austin’s Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) and has served as a chair of the Partnership in International Management, a consortium of leading graduate business schools worldwide. He has been a visiting lecturer at the Sorbonne Graduate Business School in Paris, and has delivered training for companies in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and China.

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