
Language in Mind: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics 2nd Edition by Julie Sedivy, ISBN-13: 978-1605357058

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Language in Mind: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics 2nd Edition by Julie Sedivy, ISBN-13: 978-1605357058

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Sinauer Associates is an imprint of Oxford University Press; 2nd edition (January 2, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1605357057
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1605357058

Written by a professional writer and researcher, Julie Sedivy’s Language in Mind, Second Edition provides an exceptionally accessible introduction to the challenging task of learning psycholinguistic research, theory, and application. Offering a research-based approach-supported by the new “Researchers at Work” feature which shows the process of conducting an experiment-Language in Mind emphasizes not just what psycholinguists know, but how they’ve come to know it. To deepen the student’s exposure to research and scientific thinking, which is an important skill in follow-up courses, the text also includes a critical examination of primary literature and the debates in the field (supported by the in-text “Digging Deeper” feature; and online with Web Activities and “Language at Large” modules). To complete the study of psycholinguistics, the text establishes connections between theory and everyday phenomena (supported by Boxes and “Questions to Contemplate” features). A robust 4-color illustration program distinguishes this book from others, and further explains and illustrates challenging material.

Table of Contents:

Title page
About the Cover and Chapter Opener Images
Brief Contents
Media and Supplements
1 Science, Language, and the Science of Language
1.1 What Do Scientists Know about Language?
1.2 Why Bother?
2 Origins of Human Language
2.1 Why Us?
2.2 The Social Underpinnings of Language
2.3 The Structure of Language
2.4 The Evolution of Speech
2.5 How Humans Invent Languages
2.6 Language and Genes
2.7 Survival of the Fittest Language?
3 Language and the Brain
3.1 Evidence from Damage to the Brain
3.2 Mapping the Healthy Human Brain
3.3 The Brain in Real-Time Action
4 Learning Sound Patterns
4.1 Where Are the Words?
4.2 Infant Statisticians
4.3 What Are the Sounds?
4.4 Learning How Sounds Pattern
4.5 Some Patterns Are Easier to Learn than Others
5 Learning Words
5.1 Words and Their Interface to Sound
5.2 Reference and Concepts
5.3 Understanding Speakers’ Intentions
5.4 Parts of Speech
5.5 The Role of Language Input
5.6 Complex Words
6 Learning the Structure of Sentences
6.1 The Nature of Syntactic Knowledge
6.2 Learning Grammatical Categories
6.3 How Abstract Is Early Syntax?
6.4 Complex Syntax and Constraints on Learning
6.5 What Do Children Do with Input?
7 Speech Perception
7.1 Coping with the Variability of Sounds
7.2 Integrating Multiple Cues
7.3 Adapting to a Variety of Talkers
7.4 The Motor Theory of Speech Perception
8 Word Recognition
8.1 A Connected Lexicon
8.2 Ambiguity
8.3 Recognizing Spoken Words in Real Time
8.4 Reading Written Words
9 Understanding Sentence Structure and Meaning
9.1 Incremental Processing and the Problem of Ambiguity
9.2 Models of Ambiguity Resolution
9.3 Variables That Predict the Difficulty of Ambiguous Sentences
9.4 Making Predictions
9.5 When Memory Fails
9.6 Variable Minds
10 Speaking: From Planning to Articulation
10.1 The Space between Thinking and Speaking
10.2 Ordered Stages in Language Production
10.3 Formulating Messages
10.4 Structuring Sentences
10.5 Putting the Sounds in Words
11 Discourse and Inference
11.1 From Linguistic Form to Mental Models of the World
11.2 Pronoun Problems
11.3 Pronouns in Real Time
11.4 Drawing Inferences and Making Connections
11.5 Understanding Metaphor
12 The Social Side of Language
12.1 Tiny Mind Readers or Young Egocentrics?
12.2 Conversational Inferences: Deciphering What the Speaker Meant
12.3 Audience Design
12.4 Dialogue
13 Language Diversity
13.1 What Do Languages Have in Common?
13.2 Explaining Similarities across Languages
13.3 Words, Concepts, and Culture
13.4 Language Structure and the Connection between Culture and Mind
13.5 One Mind, Multiple Languages
Literature Cited
Author Index
Subject Index

Julie Sedivy combines a strong background in academic research and teaching with a keen interest in scientific and literary writing for non-academic audiences. She received her Ph.D. in 1997 from the University of Rochester, where she was involved in pioneering research in the use of eye movement methods for studying spoken language comprehension. She held an academic appointment in the Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences at Brown University from 1997 to 2009, where she continued her interdisciplinary research program, and garnered consistently outstanding teaching reviews. She has published more than thirty articles and chapters and has served as Associate Editor for Linguistics and Philosophy, and as Consulting Editor for the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. She currently holds an adjunct appointment at the University of Calgary and divides her time between research/teaching and writing. She is the lead author of the popular science book Sold on
Language: How Advertisers Talk to You and What This Says About You (John Wiley and Sons), and blogs regularly for outlets such as Discover Magazine and Language Log.

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