
Juvenile Justice: A Guide to Theory, Policy, and Practice 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1506349008

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Juvenile Justice: A Guide to Theory, Policy, and Practice 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1506349008

[PDF eBook eTextbook]


  • Series: NULL
  • 488 pages
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; 9 edition (September 21, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1506349005
  • ISBN-13: 978-1506349008


Brief, focused, and up-to-date, Juvenile Justice: A Guide to Theory, Policy, and Practice, Ninth Edition, by Steven M. Cox, Jennifer M. Allen, and Robert D. Hanser, is a must-have text that takes students on a journey through the practical realities of the juvenile justice system and the most current topics in the field. Students not only learn about the history, process, and theories of the juvenile justice system, but they also gain access to the latest crime measurements and explore important issues such as community-based sanctions, treatment and rehabilitation, gangs, and international youth crime. Emphasizing evidence-based practices, the authors guide readers through the methods and problems of the system and offer realistic insights for students interested in a career in juvenile justice. Real-life examples, excellent pedagogical features, and a complete online ancillary package are provided to help instructors effectively teach the course and help students learn interactively.

Steven M. Cox earned his BS in psychology, MA in sociology, and PhD in sociology at the University of Illinois in Urbana–Champaign. Dr. Cox was a member of the Law Enforcement and Justice Administration faculty at Western Illinois University from 1975 to 2007. For the past 45 years, he has served as trainer and consultant to numerous criminal justice agencies in the United States and abroad and has worked with several universities in the area of course development. In addition, Dr. Cox has authored and co-authored numerous successful textbooks and articles.

Jennifer M. Allen is a full-time professor at Nova Southeastern University in the School of Criminal Justice.  She has worked with juveniles in detention, on probation, and with those victimized by abuse and neglect.  Dr. Allen has served on advisory boards for Big Brother/Big Sister mentoring programs, Rainbow Children’s Home, domestic violence/sexual assault programs, and teen courts.  Dr. Allen has published in the areas of restorative justice, juvenile delinquency and justice, youth programming, police crime, and police administration and ethics.  She is also the co-author of Criminal Justice Administration: A Service Quality Approach and Juvenile Justice:  A Guide to Theory, Policy, and Practice.

Robert D. Hanser is a full professor and chair of the criminal justice program at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Rob has also administered a regional training academy in northeastern Louisiana (North Delta Regional Training Academy) that provides training to correctional officers, jailers, and law enforcement throughout a 12-parish region in Louisiana. Rob was also the first male President for the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV), which demonstrates an understanding of victim needs and services as well as offender rehabilitation. Rob is the program director of the Blue Walters Substance Abuse Treatment Program at Richwood Correctional Center, a prison-based substance abuse treatment program in Louisiana, and he is the director of Offender Programming for LaSalle Corrections. Further, Rob is the director and lead facilitator for the Fourth Judicial District’s Batterer Intervention Program (BIP). He serves as the board president for Freedmen Inc., a faith-based organization that provides reentry services for offenders in Louisiana. Lastly, Rob currently holds a gubernatorial appointment on the statewide Louisiana Reentry Council, which ensures that regional efforts are aligned with statewide initiatives. He has dual licensure as a professional counselor in Texas and Louisiana, is a certified anger resolution therapist, and has a specialty license in addictions counseling.

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