Introduction to Psychological Theories and Psychotherapy by Andrew Koffmann, ISBN-13: 978-0199917969
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Oxford University Press; Illustrated edition (September 1, 2014)
- Language: English
- 320 pages
- ISBN-10: 0199917965
- ISBN-13: 978-0199917969
This is an introductory text on psychological theories and psychotherapy that approaches the topic from a multidisciplinary perspective. Written for psychiatry residents, but of notable relevance to other students and practitioners in medical and mental health fields, this book lays out a specific sequence for learning psychotherapy that emphasizes the fundamental importance of acquiring an appropriate foundational knowledge base in addition to learning the specific techniques of psychotherapies.
Beyond emphasizing the details of major treatment models as well as the theory and research findings that inform the field of psychotherapy in general, a specific learning sequence is laid out that will guide the reader toward developing beginning competence as a psychotherapist. Psychoanalytic theory and behavior theory are each presented in historical context, with explanations and clear distinctions made among categories of each. These include classical psychoanalytic theory, ego psychology, object relations, the interpersonal school, intersubjective and relational approaches, learning theory (including classical and operant conditioning), cognitive theory, and mindfulness-based approaches.
Table of Contents:
Overview of the Book 4
2 Psychological Theories: Key Concepts
The Evolution of Psychodynamic Theory 0
Introduction 0
Freud’s Life and the Origins of
Psychodynamic Theory
The Vienna Psychoanalytic Society 28
Ego Psychology 37
Object Relations Theory 43
The Interpersonal School 46
Psychodynamic Approaches to Character
and the Self 48
Child Analysis and Developmental Theory 52
Current Trends in Psychodynamic Theory 54
The Evolution of Cognitive and Behavior
Therapies 58
Behaviorism: The First Wave 58
Behaviorism: The Second Wave 63
Behaviorism: The Third Wave 67
Recommended Reading 70
3 Toward an Integrated Understanding of
Psychotherapy: Useful Perspectives
Neurobiological Correlates of Psychological Theory
and Psychotherapy 74
Neuroplasticity and Four Key Phenomena 74
Neurobiology and the Psychotherapy
of Depression 78
Neurobiology and the Psychotherapy of PTSD 80
Summary 82
Research Findings in Psychology 84
What Do We Know About the Rate of Recovery
in Psychotherapy? 84
In General, How Does Psychotherapy Work? 92
Research Findings from Treatment Studies 00
Efficacy vs. Effectiveness 00
Monotherapy vs. Combined Treatment 00
Continuation and Maintenance Psychotherapy 03
Bringing a Psychotherapeutic Understanding
to Pharmacotherapy 05
Psychotherapy Within Psychiatry: Narrowing
Indications and Broadening Options 08
Recommended Reading 2
4 Learning Psychotherapy
Introduction 4
Basic Skills 6
Attending and Listening skills 6
Restatements 7
Questions 9
Showing Empathy 20
Challenges 22
Common Psychotherapeutic Techniques 24
Proposed Learning Sequence 30
Recommended Reading 36
5 Current Psychotherapies
Psychotherapy Training 40
Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapies 42
Psychoanalysis 42
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy 50
Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) 56
Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) 6
Supportive Psychotherapy
(Including Psychoeducation) 65
Play Therapy 68
Individual Behavior Therapies 74
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 74
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) 92
Brief Cognitive Therapy for Panic Disorder 96
Prolonged Exposure for Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder (PE-PTSD) 200
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) 205
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) 2
Other Individual Psychotherapies 24
Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) 24
Motivational Interviewing (MI) 29
Twelve-Step Facilitation 223
Eye Movement Desensitization and
Reprocessing (EMDR) 227
Biofeedback for Mental Disorders 23
Therapies from Complementary and
Alternative Medicine 233
Psychotherapy for Multiple Patients 236
Group Psychotherapyâ•… 236
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
(MBCT)â•… 240
Family Therapyâ•… 242
Recommended Readingâ•… 248
6╇ Conclusions
Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and the Futureâ•… 250
Anticipations in Neuroscienceâ•… 252
Anticipations in Psychological Theoryâ•… 254
Next Steps: Further Training and Self-Studyâ•… 256
Referencesâ•… 257
Glossaryâ•… 273
Indexâ•… 295
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