
Economics 11th Edition by David Begg, ISBN-13: 978-0077154516

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Economics 11th Edition by David Begg, ISBN-13: 978-0077154516
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

Series: UK Higher Education Business Economics
1346 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; UK ed. edition (January 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0077154517
ISBN-13: 978-0077154516

Economics affects almost everything we do: from our decisions at work to our shopping habits, voting preferences and social attitudes. This new edition of the popular text by David Begg and Gianluigi Vernasca enables the reader to understand today’s economic environment by examining the underlying theory and applying it to real-world situations. Economics surveys the latest ideas and issues – such as the role of regulation in banking, the consequences of globalization and monetary union, and the efficacy of our current economic models. This coverage, combined with a rich array of pedagogical features, encourages students to explore our economic past and present, and to think critically about where this might lead us in the future. The new edition is updated to provide a comprehensive analysis of the financial crash – its causes, consequences, and possible policy responses, from fiscal stimulus to quantitative easing.

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