
Designing With Light: The Art, Science and Practice of Architectural Lighting Design, ISBN-13: 978-1118740477

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Designing With Light: The Art, Science and Practice of Architectural Lighting Design, ISBN-13: 978-1118740477
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

336 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (September 15, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781118740477
ISBN-13: 978-1118740477

A comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of lighting design

Designing With Light: The Art, Science, and Practice of Architectural Lighting Design is a comprehensive introduction to the intelligent use of lighting to define and enhance a space. The book explores all aspects of the process, including aesthetics, technology, and practicalities, in a clear, concise manner designed to provide the reader with a full working knowledge of lighting design. Color illustrations throughout demonstrate the real-world effects of the concepts presented, and the companion website offers video animations and exercises to better illuminate the art and science of lighting. The book addresses the considerations that should be a part of any designer’s process, and provides thorough guidance on meeting the various demands with smarter design.

Lighting is an essential element of interior design, and despite its ubiquity, is difficult to truly master. A designer with a fundamental and conceptual understanding of light is empowered to create simple, typical spaces, or work intelligently with lighting consultants on more complex projects. Designing With Light contains special discussions on color, light, and health, as well as the latest information on energy efficient lighting, control systems, and other technologies. Topics include:

– Physics, psychology, and perception of light
– Current and future lighting technology
– Communication, documentation, and the design process
– Sustainability, daylighting, and energy efficiency

The book also contains an entire chapter on building and energy codes, as well as practical guidance on photometrics and calculations. Lighting can make or break an otherwise well-designed space, so designers need the background to be able to think intelligently about illumination factors during all stages of the process. With comprehensive coverage and thorough explanation, Designing With Light is a complete resource for students and professionals alike.


Lighting is an essential element in any well-designed space, and Designing with Light: The Art, Science, and Practice of Architectural Lighting Design offers students and professionals a hands-on resource for applying the proven principles and most recent technologies during all stages of the design process.

Designing with Light is a comprehensive introduction to the thoughtful and aesthetic use of lighting to define and enhance a space. Written in an accessible style, this resource explores all aspects of the lighting design process, including information on the basic principles of lighting, the aesthetics involved, current trends in lighting technology, the psychology of light, and more. The book is filled with illustrative color examples that demonstrate the real-world effects of the concepts outlined. In addition, there is a companion website that contains video animations and challenging exercises that illuminate the art and science of lighting.

Written by Jason Livingston, a noted lighting designer and instructor, Designing with Light contains lively discussions on color, light, and health, as well as the latest data on energy efficient lighting, control systems, and other technological advances.

Designing with Light also includes information on building and energy codes, as well as guidance on photometrics and calculations. This resource contains the principles, strategies, and science that can empower lighting designers to create simple and elegant spaces, or work on more complex and demanding projects.

About the Author

JASON LIVINGSTON is principal of Studio T+L, an interdisciplinary studio of theatrical and architectural designers and consultants. Livingston also teaches lighting design at Parsons School of Design and Pratt Institute.

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