Biochemistry 9th Edition by Mary K. Campbell, ISBN-13: 978-1305961135
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- Publisher: Cengage Learning; 9th edition (January 1, 2017)
- Language: English
- 896 pages
- ISBN-10: 1337653063
- ISBN-13: 978-1305961135
Ideal for those studying biochemistry for the first time, this proven book balances scientific detail with readability and shows you how principles of biochemistry affect your everyday life. Designed throughout to help you succeed (and excel!), the book includes in-text questions that help you master key concepts, end-of-chapter problem sets grouped by problem type that help you prepare for exams, and state-of-the art visuals that help you understand key processes and concepts. In addition, visually dynamic “Hot Topics” cover the latest advances in the field, while “Biochemical Connections” demonstrate how biochemistry affects other fields, such as health and sports medicine. The accompanying OWL homework offers end-of-chapter problems in digital form, giving you on-demand access to hints, solutions, and other information directly related to the problem.
Table of Contents:
Half Title
About the Authors
Brief Contents
Chapter 1: Biochemistry and the Organization of Cells
1-1 Basic Themes
1-2 Chemical Foundations of Biochemistry
1-3 The Beginnings of Biology
1-4 The Biggest Biological Distinction—Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
1-5 How We Classify Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
1A Biochemical Connections Biotechnology: Extremophiles: The Toast of the Industry
1-6 Biochemical Energetics
1B Biochemical Connections Thermodynamics: Predicting Reactions
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Further Reading
Chapter 2: Water: The Solvent for Biochemical Reactions
2-1 Water and Polarity
2-2 Hydrogen Bonds
2A Biochemical Connections Chemistry: How Basic Chemistry Affects Life: The Importance of the Hydrog
2-3 Acids, Bases, and pH
2-4 Titration Curves
2-5 Buffers
2B Biochemical Connections Buffer Chemistry: Buffer Selection
2C Biochemical Connections Chemistry of Blood: Some Physiological Consequences of Blood Buffering
2D Biochemical Connections Acids and Sports: Lactic Acid•Not Always the Bad Guy
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Further Reading
Chapter 3: Amino Acids and Peptides
3-1 Amino Acids Are Three-Dimensional
3-2 Structures and Properties of Amino Acids
3-3 Amino Acids Can Act as Both Acids and Bases
3-4 The Peptide Bond
3-5 Small Peptides with Physiological Activity
3A Biochemical Conections physiology: Peptide Hormones•Small Molecules with Big Effects
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Further Reading
Chapter 4: The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins
4-1 Protein Structure and Function
4-2 Primary Structure of Proteins
4-3 Secondary Structure of Proteins
4-4 T ertiary Structure of Proteins
4-5 Quaternary Structure of Proteins
4A Biochemical Connections Medicine: Sickle Cell Anemia
4-6 Protein-Folding Dynamics
4B Biochemical Connections Medicine: Protein-Folding Diseases
Hot Topic: Aging—Looking for the Biochemical Fountain of Youth
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Further Reading
Chapter 5: Protein Purification and Characterization Techniques
5-1 Extracting Pure Proteins from Cells
5-2 Column Chromatography
5-3 Electrophoresis
5-4 Determining the Primary Structure of a Protein
5-5 Protein Detection Techniques
5A Biochemical Connections Instrumentation: The Power of Mass Spectrometry
5-6 Proteomics
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Further Reading
Chapter 6: The Behavior of Proteins: Enzymes
6-1 Enzyme Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
6A Biochemical Connections Health Sciences: Enzymes as Markers for Disease
6-2 Rate of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions
6-3 Enzyme•Substrate Binding
6-4 The Michaelis–Menten Approach to Enzyme Kinetics
6B Biochemical Connections Neuroscience: Enzyme Lets You Enjoy Champagne
6C Biochemical Connections Physical Organic Chemistry: Practical Information from Kinetic Data
6-5 Examples of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions
6-6 Enzyme Inhibition
6D Biochemical Connections Medicine: Enzyme Inhibition in the Treatment of AIDS
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Further Reading
Chapter 7: The Behavior of Proteins: Enzymes, Mechanisms, and Control
7-1 Behavior of Allosteric Enzymes
7-2 The Concerted and Sequential Models for Allosteric Enzymes
7A Biochemical Connections Medicine: Allosterism: Drug Companies Exploit the Concept
7-3 Control of Enzyme Activity by Phosphorylation
7B Biochemical Connections Medicine: An Ancient Drug Works by Stimulating a Protein Kinase
7-4 Zymogens
7-5 The Nature of the Active Site
7C Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Families of Enzymes: Proteases
7-6 Chemical Reactions Involved in Enzyme Mechanisms
7-7 The Active Site and Transition States
7D Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Catalytic Antibodies against Cocaine
7-8 Coenzymes
7E Biochemical Connections Environmental Toxicology: Catalysts for Green Chemistry
Hot Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease
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Further Reading
Chapter 8: Lipids and Proteins Are Associated in Biological Membranes
8-1 The Definition of a Lipid
8-2 The Chemical Natures of the Lipid Types
8-3 Biological Membranes
8A Biochemical Connections Nutrition: Butter versus Margarine—Which Is Healthier?
8B Biochemical Connections Biotechnology: Membranes in Drug Delivery
8-4 Membrane Proteins
8-5 The Functions of Membranes
8C Biochemical Connections Physiology: Lipid Droplets Are Not Just Great Balls of Fat
8-6 Lipid-Soluble Vitamins and Their Functions
8D Biochemical Connections Neuroscience: Vision Has Great Chemistry
8-7 Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes
8E Biochemical Connections Nutrition: Why Should We Eat More Salmon?
Hot Topic: The Science of Happiness and Depression
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Further Reading
Chapter 9: Nucleic Acids: How Structure Conveys Information
9-1 Levels of Structure in Nucleic Acids
9-2 The Covalent Structure of Polynucleotides
9A Biochemical Connections Law: Who Owns Your Genes?
9-3 The Structure of DNA
9B Biochemical Connections Genetics: The Human Genome Project: Treasure or Pandora’s Box?
9-4 Denaturation of DNA
9-5 The Principal Kinds of RNA and Their Structures
9-6 Roles for RNA
9-7 RNA and Medical Applications
9C Biochemical Connections Genetics: Why Identical Twins Are Not Identical
Hot Topic: The Genetics of Breast Cancer
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Further Reading
Chapter 10: Biosynthesis of Nucleic Acids: Replication
10-1 The Flow of Genetic Information in the Cell
10-2 Replication of DNA
10-3 DNA Polymerase
10-4 Proteins Required for DNA Replication
10-5 Proofreading and Repair
10A Biochemical Connections Genetics: Why Does DNA Contain Thymine and Not Uracil?
10-6 DNA Recombination
10B Biochemical Connections Microbiology: The SOS Response in E. coli
10-7 Eukaryotic DNA Replication
10C Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Telomerase and Cancer
10D Biochemical Connections Evolutionary Biology: Self-Replicating RNAs
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Further Reading
Chapter 11: Transcription of the Genetic Code: The Biosynthesis of RNA
11-1 Overview of Transcription
11-2 Transcription in Prokaryotes
11-3 Transcription Regulation in Prokaryotes
11A Biochemical Connections Bacteriology: Riboswitches Provide Another Weapon against Pathogens
11-4 Transcription in Eukaryotes
11-5 Transcription Regulation in Eukaryotes
11-6 Noncoding RNAs
11B Biochemical Connections Medicine: A Micro RNA Helps Regenerate Nerve Synapses after Injury
11-7 Structural Motifs in DNA-Binding Proteins
11-8 Posttranscriptional RNA Modifications
11-9 Ribozymes
Hot Topic: Epigenetics
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Further Reading
Chapter 12: Protein Synthesis: Translation of the Genetic Message
12-1 Translating the Genetic Message
12-2 The Genetic Code
12A Biochemical Connections Virology: Influenza A Virus Alters the Reading Frame to Lower Its Morbid
12-3 Amino Acid Activation
12-4 Prokaryotic Translation
12-5 Eukaryotic Translation
12B Biochemical Connections Neurology: Protein Synthesis Makes Memories
12-6 Posttranslational Modification of Proteins
12C Biochemical Connections Genetics: Silent Mutations Are Not Always Silent
12D Biochemical Connections Biophysical Chemistry: Chaperones: Preventing Unsuitable Associations
12-7 Protein Degradation
12E Biochemical Connections Physiology: How Do We Adapt to High Altitude?
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Further Reading
Chapter 13: Nucleic Acid Biotechnology Techniques
13-1 Purification and Detection of Nucleic Acids
13-2 Restriction Endonucleases
13-3 Cloning
13-4 Genetic Engineering
13A Biochemical Connections Plant Science: Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
13B Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Human Proteins through Genetic Recombination Techniques
13-5 DNA Libraries
13C Biochemical Connections Analytical Chemistry (Chromatography) Fusion Proteins and Fast Purificat
13-6 The Polymerase Chain Reaction
13-7 DNA Fingerprinting
13D Biochemical Connections Forensics: CSI: Biochemistry—Forensic Uses of DNA Testing
13-8 Sequencing DNA
13-9 Genomics and Proteomics
Hot Topic: Crispr
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Further Reading
Chapter 14: Viruses, Cancer, and Immunology
14-1 Viruses
14-2 Retroviruses
14A Biochemical Connections Medicine: Viruses Are Used for Gene Therapy
14-3 The Immune System
14B Biochemical Connections Medicine: The First Vaccine: Bad Science Gone Good
14C Biochemical Connection Virology: Viral RNAs Outwit the Immune System
14-4 Cancer
14D Biochemical Connections Genetics: Cancer: The Dark Side of the Human Genome
14E Biochemical Connections Biotechnology: Nanotech Tackles Cancer
14F Biochemical Connections Immunology and Oncology: Attacking the Symptoms Instead of the Disease?
14-5 AIDS
Hot Topic: Stem Cells: Science and Politics
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Further Reading
Chapter 15: The Importance of Energy Changes and Electron Transfer in Metabolism
15-1 Standard States for Free-Energy Changes
15-2 A Modified Standard State for Biochemical Applications
15-3 The Nature of Metabolism
15A Biochemical Connections Thermodynamics: Living Things Are Unique Thermodynamic Systems
15-4 The Role of Oxidation and Reduction in Metabolism
15-5 Coenzymes in Biologically Important Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
15-6 Coupling of Production and Use of Energy
15B Biochemical Connections Physiology: ATP in Cell Signaling
15-7 Coenzyme A in Activation of Metabolic Pathways
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Further Reading
Chapter 16: Carbohydrates
16-1 Sugars: Their Structures and Stereochemistry
16A Biochemical Connections Nutrition and Health: Low-Carbohydrate Diets
16-2 Reactions of Monosaccharides
16B Biochemical Connections Nutrition: Vitamin C is Related to Sugars
16-3 Some Important Oligosaccharides
16C Biochemical Connections Nutrition: Lactose Intolerance: Why Do So Many People Not Want to Drink
16-4 Structures and Functions of Polysaccharides
16D Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Why Is Dietary Fiber So Good for You?
16-5 Glycoproteins
16E Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Glycoproteins and Blood Transfusions
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Further Reading
Chapter 17: Glycolysis
17-1 The Overall Pathway of Glycolysis
17A Biochemical Connections Environmental Science: Biofuels from Fermentation
17-2 Conversion of Six-Carbon Glucose to Three-Carbon Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate
17B Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Dolphins as a Model for Humans with Diabetes
17-3 Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Is Converted to Pyruvate
17-4 Anaerobic Metabolism of Pyruvate
17C Biochemical Connections Allied Health (Dentistry): What Is the Connection between Anaerobic Meta
17D Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
17E Biochemical Connections Cancer Research: Using Pyruvate Kinase Isozymes to Treat Cancer
17-5 Energy Production in Glycolysis
17-6 Control of Glycolysis
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Further Reading
Chapter 18: Storage Mechanisms and Control in Carbohydrate Metabolism
18-1 How Glycogen Is Degraded and Produced
18A Biochemical Connections Exercise Physiology: Why Do Athletes Go in for Glycogen Loading?
18-2 Gluconeogenesis Produces Glucose from Pyruvate
18-3 Control of Carbohydrate Metabolism
18-4 Glucose Is Sometimes Diverted through the Pentose Phosphate Pathway
18B Biochemical Connections Allied Health: The Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Hemolytic Anemia
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Further Reading
Chapter 19: The Citric Acid Cycle
19-1 The Central Role of the Citric Acid Cycle in Metabolism
19-2 The Overall Pathway of the Citric Acid Cycle
19-3 How Pyruvate is Converted to Acetyl-CoA
19-4 The Individual Reactions of the Citric Acid Cycle
19A Biochemical Connections Toxicology: Fluorine Compounds and Carbohydrate Metabolism
19B Biochemical Connections Labeling Methods: What Is the Origin of the CO₂ Released by the Citric
19-5 Energetics and Control of the Citric Acid Cycle
19-6 The Glyoxylate Cycle: A Related Pathway
19-7 The Citric Acid Cycle in Catabolism
19-8 The Citric Acid Cycle in Anabolism
19C Biochemical Connections Evolution: Why Can’t Animals Use All the Same Energy Sources as Plants a
19D Biochemical Connection Nutrition: Why Is It So Hard to Lose Weight?
19-9 The Link to Oxygen
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Further Reading
Chapter 20: Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation
20-1 The Role of Electron Transport in Metabolism
20-2 Reduction Potentials in the Electron Transport Chain
20-3 Organization of Electron Transport Complexes
20-4 The Connection between Electron Transport and Phosphorylation
20-5 The Mechanism of Coupling in Oxidative Phosphorylation
20-6 Shuttle Mechanisms
20A Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Sports and Metabolism
20-7 The ATP Yield from Complete Oxidation of Glucose
Hot Topic: What Does Brown Adipose Tissue Have to Do with Obesity?
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Further Reading
Chapter 21: Lipid Metabolism
21-1 Lipids Are Involved in the Generation and Storage of Energy
21-2 Catabolism of Lipids
21-3 The Energy Yield from the Oxidation of Fatty Acids
21-4 Catabolism of Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Odd-Carbon Fatty Acids
21-5 Ketone Bodies
21-6 Fatty Acid Biosynthesis
21A Biochemical Connections Gene Expression: Transcription Activators in Lipid Biosynthesis
21B Biochemical Connections Nutrition: Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase—A New Target in the Fight against Ob
21C Biochemical Connections Genetics: A Gene for Obesity
21-7 Synthesis of Acylglycerols and Compound Lipids
21-8 Cholesterol Biosynthesis
21D Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Atherosclerosis
21-9 H ormonal Control of Appetite
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Further Reading
Chapter 22: Photosynthesis
22-1 Chloroplasts Are the Site of Photosynthesis
22A Biochemical Connections Physics: The Relationship between Wavelength and Energy of Light
22-2 Photosystems I and II and the Light Reactions of Photosynthesis
22-3 Photosynthesis and ATP Production
22-4 Evolutionary Implications of Photosynthesis with and without Oxygen
22B Biochemical Connections Applied Genetics: Improving the Yield of Antimalarial Plants
22-5 Dark Reactions of Photosynthesis Fix CO₂
22C Biochemical Connections Agriculture: Plants Feed Animals—Plants Need Energy—Plants Can Produ
22D Biochemical Connections Genetics: Chloroplast Genes
22-6 CO₂ Fixation in Tropical Plants
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Further Reading
Chapter 23: The Metabolism of Nitrogen
23-1 Nitrogen Metabolism: An Overview
23-2 Nitrogen Fixation
23A Biochemical Connections Plant Science: Why Is the Nitrogen Content of Fertilizers So Important?
23-3 Feedback Inhibition in Nitrogen Metabolism
23-4 Amino Acid Biosynthesis
23-5 Essential Amino Acids
23-6 Amino Acid Catabolism
23B Biochemical Connections Physiology: Water and the Disposal of Nitrogen Wastes
23-7 Purine Biosynthesis
23-8 Purine Catabolism
23-9 Pyrimidine Biosynthesis and Catabolism
23-10 Conversion of Ribonucleotides to Deoxyribonucleotides
23-11 Conversion of dUDP to dTTP
23C Biochemical Connections Medicine: Chemotherapy and Antibiotics—Taking Advantage of the Need fo
Review Exercises
Further Reading
Chapter 24: Integration of Metabolism: Cellular Signaling
24-1 Connections between Metabolic Pathways
24A Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Alcohol Consumption and Addiction
24-2 Biochemistry and Nutrition
24B Biochemical Connections Nutrition: Iron: An Example of a Mineral Requirement
24-3 Hormones and Second Messengers
24-4 Hormones and the Control of Metabolism
24C Biochemical Connections Nutrition: Insulin and Low-Carbohydrate Diets
24-5 Insulin and Its Effects
24D Biochemical Connections Allied Health: A Workout a Day Keeps Diabetes Away?
24E Biochemical Connections Allied Health: Insulin, Diabetes, and Cancer
Hot Topic: G-Protein—Coupled Receptors
Review Exercises
Further Reading
Answers to Review Exercises
Mary K. Campbell was Professor Emeritus of chemistry at Mount Holyoke College, where she taught biochemistry, general chemistry, and physical chemistry, as well as advised undergraduates working on biochemical research projects. Her avid interest in writing led to the publication of many highly successful editions of INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL, ORGANIC, AND BIOCHEMISTRY. She also coauthored BIOCHEMISTRY with Shawn O. Farrell. Originally from Philadelphia, Dr. Campbell received her Ph.D. from Indiana University and completed post-doctoral work in biophysical chemistry at Johns Hopkins University. Her areas of interest included researching the physical chemistry of biomolecules, specifically, spectroscopic studies of protein-nucleic acid interactions.
Shawn O. Farrell, a native of Northern California, received his B.S. in biochemistry from University of California, Davis, studying carbohydrate metabolism. He completed his Ph.D. in biochemistry at Michigan State University, where he focused on the study of fatty acid metabolism. Dr. Farrell became interested in biochemistry while in college, as it was relevant to his passion for bicycle racing. He raced competitively for 15 years and now officiates bicycle races worldwide. He has taught biochemistry lecture and laboratory courses at Colorado State University for 19 years and now works for the Bicycle Racing Association of Colorado as its Executive Director. Professor Farrell has written scientific journal articles about specific research projects and about laboratory teaching, as well as articles for sports publications, such as “Salmon, Trout, and Steelheader” magazine. He is co-author with Mary Campbell on BIOCHEMISTRY, 4th through 8th editions (Cengage Learning); co-author with William Brown, Mary Campbell, and Omar Torres on GENERAL, ORGANIC, AND BIOCHEMISTRY; and author of EXPERIMENTS IN BIOCHEMISTRY: A HANDS ON APPROACH (Cengage Learning).
Owen M. McDougal is a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Boise State University. A native of upstate New York, his love of the outdoors inspired him to travel west for graduate school and pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Utah in the laboratory of C. Dale Poulter. His work to elucidate the three-dimensional structures of neuropeptides by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy involved the application of physical chemistry to address problems in biological systems. Upon completion of his Ph.D., Dr. McDougal sought an academic environment that allowed him to share his passion for science with students. He taught general, organic, and biological chemistry at Southern Oregon University which allowed him to hone his instructional skills. Looking to advance his love for writing, Owen shifted to a faculty position in the research-intensive environment at Boise State University, where he investigates the bioactivity of marine and terrestrial natural products, including studies of food chemistry, nutraceutical products, and specialty chemicals.
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