
Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305109391

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Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305109391
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

688 pages
Publisher: Cengage Learning; 6 edition (January 1, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781305109391
ISBN-13: 978-1305109391

BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION: PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES, Sixth Edition, uses a precise, step-by-step, scientific approach to explain human behavior. Case studies and examples illustrate key principles.


“I must say that this is one of the best written behavioral texts I have read. It is easy to understand, and explains principles as well as applications with clarity. I have struggled through other texts on the same subject (mind you, not because of any lack of understanding; I am a current member of Psi Chi who will be graduating at least Cum Laude) because they are often so dry and seemingly inapplicable. Yes, you can always make your own connections from the text to the outside world, however, this text guides you and shows you more realistic, concurrent examples that you may actually encounter in your career. I would recommend this highly to any professor who is considering a book for a behavior principles and application course.
(as a caveat to hopefully make me sound less conceited… I simply state that I have a basic understanding of the subject, not that I am in any way superior to anyone else. There are certainly others out there who understand this material far better than I ever will, and I recognize that this book hardly goes to the depths of understanding needed to actually practice in a clinical setting)”

About the Author

Raymond G. Miltenberger received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1985 from Western Michigan University. He is currently a professor and director of the Applied Behavior Analysis Program at the University of South Florida. Dr. Miltenberger conducts applied behavior analysis research with his students and publishes widely in the areas of sports and fitness, functional assessment and treatment of behavioral disorders, and self-protection skills training. He utilizes behavior modification in clinical work with children and individuals with intellectual disability.

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