Basic Coastal Engineering 3rd Edition by Robert M. Sorensen, ISBN-13: 978-0387233321
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Springer; 3rd edition (December 9, 2005)
- Language: English
- 337 pages
- ISBN-10: 0387233326
- ISBN-13: 978-0387233321
The second edition (1997) of this text was a completely rewritten version of the original text Basic Coastal Engineering published in 1978. This third edition makes several corrections, improvements and additions to the second edition. Basic Coastal Engineering is an introductory text on wave mechanics and coastal processes along with fundamentals that underline the practice of coastal engineering. This book was written for a senior or first postgraduate course in coastal engineering. It is also suitable for self study by anyone having a basic engineering or physical science background. The level of coverage does not require a math or fluid mechanics background beyond that presented in a typical undergraduate civil or mechanical engineering curriculum. The material p- sented in this text is based on the author’s lecture notes from a one-semester course at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Texas A&M University, and George Washington University, and a senior elective course at Lehigh University. The text contains examples to demonstrate the various analysis techniques that are presented and each chapter (except the first and last) has a collection of problems for the reader to solve that further demonstrate and expand upon the text material. Chapter 1 briefly describes the coastal environment and introduces the re- tively new field of coastal engineering. Chapter 2 describes the two-dimensional characteristics of surface waves and presents the small-amplitude wave theory to support this description.
Basic Coastal Engineering, 3rd Edition offers the basics on monochromatic and spectral surface wave mechanics, coastal water level variations, coastal structures and coastal sedimentary processes. It also provides the necessary background from which the reader can pursue a more advanced study of the various theoretical and applied aspects of coastal hydrodynamics and design. This classic text offers senior and beginning post-graduate students in civil and mechanical engineering or the physical and environmental sciences a well-rounded introduction to coastal engineering. Engineers and physical scientists who have not had the opportunity for formal study in coastal engineering, but would like to become familiar with the subject, will also benefit from this timely resource. New material covered in this third edition includes: Material on coastal processes including beach equilibrium profiles, beach profile closure depth, mechanisms causing beach profile change, and the characteristics and design of coastal entrances. Material on the design of stone mound structures including low-crested breakwaters, sensitivity of the Hudson equation for rubble mound structure design, armor stone specification and the economic implications of design wave selection. Material on surface waves including vessel-generated waves, refraction and diffraction of directional wave spectra and design wave selection examples.
Table of Contents:
Preface xi
1. Coastal Engineering 1
1.1 The Coastal Environment 1
1.2 Coastal Engineering 3
1.3 Recent Trends 5
1.4 Coastal Engineering Literature 6
1.5 Summary 8
1.6 References 8
2. Two-Dimensional Wave Equations and Wave Characteristics 9
2.1 Surface Gravity Waves 9
2.2 Small-Amplitude Wave Theory 10
2.3 Wave Classification 15
2.4 Wave Kinematics and Pressure 18
2.5 Energy, Power, and Group Celerity 22
2.6 Radiation Stress and Wave Setup 30
2.7 Standing Waves, Wave Reflection 35
2.8 Wave Profile Asymmetry and Breaking 38
2.9 Wave Runup 44
2.10 Summary 47
2.11 References 48
2.12 Problems 49
3. Finite-Amplitude Waves 53
3.1 Finite-Amplitude Wave Theory Formulation 53
3.2 Stokes Waves 54
3.3 Cnoidal Waves 61
3.4 Solitary Waves 64
3.5 Stream Function Numerical Waves 68
3.6 Wave Theory Application 70
3.7 Summary 74
3.8 References 74
3.9 Problems 76
4. Wave Refraction, Diffraction, and Reflection 79
4.1 Three-Dimensional Wave Transformation 79
4.2 Wave Refraction 80
4.3 Manual Construction of Refraction Diagrams 82
4.4 Numerical Refraction Analysis 89
4.5 Refraction by Currents 91
4.6 Wave Diffraction 92
4.7 Combined Refraction and Diffraction 99
4.8 Wave Reflection 101
4.9 Vessel-Generated Waves 102
4.10 Summary 105
4.11 References 105
4.12 Problems 108
5. Coastal Water Level Fluctuations 113
5.1 Long Wave Equations 114
5.2 Astronomical Tide Generation and Characteristics 117
5.3 Tide Datums and Tide Prediction 120
5.4 Tsunamis 124
5.5 Basin Oscillations 127
5.6 Resonant Motion in Two- and Three-Dimensional Basins 130
5.7 Resonance Analysis for Complex Basins 137
5.8 Storm Surge and Design Storms 138
5.9 Numerical Analysis of Storm Surge 141
5.10 Simplified Analysis of Storm Surge 144
5.11 Long-Term Sea Level Change 150
5.12 Summary 151
5.13 References 151
5.14 Problems 154
6. Wind-Generated Waves 157
6.1 Waves at Sea 157
6.2 Wind-Wave Generation and Decay 158
6.3 Wave Record Analysis for Height and Period 161
6.4 Wave Spectral Characteristics 167
6.5 Wave Spectral Models 169
6.6 Wave Prediction—Early Methods 178
6.7 Wave Prediction—Spectral Models 183
6.8 Numerical Wave Prediction Models 185
6.9 Extreme Wave Analysis 187
6.10 Summary 190
6.11 References 190
6.12 Problems 193
7. Coastal Structures 195
7.1 Hydrodynamic Forces in Unsteady Flow 196
7.2 Piles, Pipelines, and Cables 198
7.3 Large Submerged Structures 209
7.4 Floating Breakwaters 211
7.5 Rubble Mound Structures 214
7.6 Rigid Vertical-Faced Structures 227
7.7 Other Loadings on Coastal Structures 233
7.8 Wave–Structure Interaction 235
7.9 Selection of Design Waves 238
7.10 Summary 241
7.11 References 241
7.12 Problems 245
8. Coastal Zone Processes 247
8.1 Beach Sediment Properties and Analysis 248
8.2 Beach Profiles and Profile Change 252
8.3 Nearshore Circulation 258
8.4 Alongshore Sediment Transport Processes and Rates 261
8.5 Shore Response to Coastal Structures 265
8.6 Numerical Models of Shoreline Change 269
8.7 Beach Nourishment and Sediment Bypassing 271
8.8 Wind Transport and Dune Stabilization 276
8.9 Sediment Budget Concept and Analysis 277
8.10 Coastal Entrances 280
8.11 Summary 282
8.12 References 282
8.13 Problems 285
9. Field and Laboratory Investigations 287
9.1 Field Investigations 288
9.2 Wind-Wave Measurements 288
9.3 Other Hydrodynamic Measurements 291
9.4 Coastal Morphology and Sedimentary Processes 293
9.5 Coastal Structures 298
9.6 Laboratory Investigations 299
9.7 Wave Investigation Facilities 300
9.8 Scaling of Laboratory Investigations 302
9.9 Common Types of Investigations 304
9.10 Summary 305
9.11 References 305
Appendices 309
A. Notation and Dimensions 309
B. Selected Conversion Factors 314
C. Glossary of Selected Terms 315
Index 321
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