
Advanced Accounting 7th Edition by Debra C. Jeter, ISBN-13: 978-1119373209

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Advanced Accounting 7th Edition by Debra C. Jeter, ISBN-13: 978-1119373209

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Wiley; 7th edition (January 30, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 832 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1119373204
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1119373209

Advanced Accounting delivers an in-depth, comprehensive introduction to advanced accounting theory and application, using actual business examples and relevant news stories to demonstrate how core principles translate into real-world business scenarios. Clearly defined and logically organized Learning Objectives aid in student comprehension, while highlighted Related Concepts illustrate how individual concepts fit into the larger picture. Short answer questions throughout the chapter allow students to test their knowledge before reaching the more in-depth end-of-chapter questions, promoting a deeper understanding of both technical and conceptual aspects of the field.

Written by active accounting researchers, this text brings clarity and flexibility to the central ideas underlying business combinations, consolidated financial statements, foreign currency transactions, partnerships, non-profit accounting and more. This new Seventh Edition has been updated to reflect the latest changes to FASB and GASB standards, allowing students to build a skill set based on up-to-date practices. With a student-oriented pedagogy designed to enhance comprehension, promote engagement, and build real-world understanding, this user-friendly book provides an essential foundation in current advanced accounting methods and standards.

Table of Contents:

About the Authors


Chapter 1: Introduction to Business Combinations and the Conceptual Framework

Learning Objectives

1.1 Growth Through Mergers

1.2 Nature of the Combination

1.3 Business Combinations: Why? Why not?

1.4 Business Combinations: Historical Perspective

1.5 Terminology and Types of Combinations

1.6 Takeover Premiums

1.7 Avoiding the Pitfalls before the Deal

1.8 Determining Price and Method of Payment in Business Combinations

1.9 Alternative Concepts of Consolidated Financial Statements

1.10 FASB’s Conceptual Framework

1.11 FASB Codification (Source of GAAP)



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Chapter 2: Accounting for Business Combinations

Learning Objectives

2.1 Accounting Standards on Business Combinations: Background

2.2 Illustration of Acquisition Accounting

2.3 Bargain Purchase Accounting

2.4 Measurement Period and Measurement Period Adjustments

2.5 Goodwill Impairment Test

2.6 Contingent Consideration (Earnouts)

2.7 Proforma Statements and Disclousre Requirements

2.8 Leveraged Buyouts

2.9 IFRS versus U.S. GAAP



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Chapter 3: Consolidated Financial Statements-Date of Acquisition

Learning Objectives

3.1 Definitions of Subsidiary and Control

3.2 Requirements for the Inclusion of Subsidiaries in the Consolidated Financial Statements

3.3 Reasons for Subsidiary Companies

3.4 Consolidated Financial Statements

3.5 Investments at the Date of Acquisition

3.6 Consolidated Balance Sheets: The Use of Workpapers

3.7 A Comprehensive Illustration-More than One Subsidiary Company

3.8 Limitations of Consolidated Statements



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Chapter 4: Consolidated Financial Statements After Acquisition

Learning Objectives

4.1 Accounting for Investments By the Cost, Partial Equity, and Complete Equity Methods

4.2 Consolidated Statements After Acquisition—Cost Method

4.3 Recording Investments in Subsidiaries—Equity Method (Partial Or Complete)

4.4 Elimination of Intercompany Revenue and Expense Items

4.5 Interim Acquisitions of Subsidiary Stock

4.6 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

4.7 Illustration of Preparation of a Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows—Year of Acquisition

4.8 Compare U.S. GAAP and IFRS Regarding Equity Method



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Chapter 5: Allocation and Depreciation of Differences Between Implied and Book Values

Learning Objectives

5.1 Computation and Allocation of the Difference Between Implied and Book Values to Assets and Liabilities of Subsidiary–Acquisition Date

5.2 Effect of Differences Between Implied and Book Values on Consolidated Net Income—Year Subsequent to Acquisition

5.3 Consolidated Statements Workpaper—Using the Cost Method

5.4 Controlling and Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Net Income and Retained Earnings—Using the Cost Method

5.5 Consolidated Statements Workpaper—Using Partial Equity Method

5.6 Controlling and Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Net Income and Retained Earnings—Using Partial Equity Method

5.7 Consolidated Statements Workpaper—Using Complete Equity Method

5.8 Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income and Retained Earnings—Using Complete Equity Method

5.9 Additional Considerations Relating to Treatment of Difference Between Implied and Book Values

5.10 Push Down Accounting

5.11 IFRS Vs U.S. GAAP on Research & Development Costs



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Chapter 6: Elimination of Unrealized Profit on Intercompany Sales of Inventory

Learning Objectives

6.1 Effects of Intercompany Sales of Merchandise on the Determination of Consolidated Balances

6.2 Cost Method: Consolidated Statements Workpaper—Upstream Sales

6.3 Cost Method—Analysis of Consolidated Net Income and Consolidated Retained Earnings

6.4 Consolidated Statements Workpaper—Partial Equity Method

6.5 Partial Equity Method—Analysis of Consolidated Net Income and Consolidated Retained Earnings

6.6 Consolidated Statements Workpaper—Complete Equity Method

6.7 Complete Equity Method—Analysis of Consolidated Net Income and Consolidated Retained Earnings

6.8 Summary of Workpaper Entries Relating to Intercompany Sales of Inventory

6.9 Intercompany Profit Prior to Parent-Subsidiary Affiliation



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Chapter 7: Elimination of Unrealized Gains Or Losses on Intercompany Sales of Property and Equipment

Learning Objectives

7.1 Intercompany Sales of Land (Nondepreciable Property)

7.2 Intercompany Sales of Depreciable Property (Machinery, Equipment, and Buildings)

7.3 Consolidated Statements Workpaper—Cost and Partial Equity Methods

7.4 Calculation of Consolidated Net Income and Consolidated Retained Earnings

7.5 Consolidated Statements Workpaper—Complete Equity Method

7.6 Calculation and Allocation of Consolidated Net Income; Consolidated Retained Earnings: Complete Equity Method

7.7 Summary of Workpaper Entries Relating to Intercompany Sales of Equipment

7.8 Intercompany Interest, Rents, and Service Fees



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Chapter 8: Changes in Ownership Interest

Learning Objectives

8.1 Changes in Ownership

8.2 Parent Acquires Subsidiary Stock Through Several Open-Market Purchases—Cost Method

8.3 Parent Sells Subsidiary Stock Investment on the Open Market—Cost Method

8.4 Equity Method—Purchases and Sales of Subsidiary Stock By the Parent

8.5 Parent Sells Subsidiary Stock Investment on the Open Market—Cost Method

8.6 Subsidiary Issues Stock



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Chapter 9: Intercompany Bond Holdings and Miscellaneous Topics—Consolidated Financial Statements

Learning Objectives

9.1 Intercompany Bond Holdings

9.2 Accounting for Bonds—A Review

9.3 Constructive Gain Or Loss on Intercompany Bond Holdings

9.4 Accounting for Intercompany Bonds Illustrated

9.5 Book Entry Related to Bond Investment

9.6 Interim Purchase of Intercompany Bonds

9.7 Notes Receivable Discounted

9.8 Stock Dividends Issued By a Subsidiary Company

9.9 Dividends From Preacquisition Earnings

9.10 Subsidiary With Both Preferred and Common Stock Outstanding

9.11 Consolidating a Subsidiary With Preferred Stock Outstanding



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Chapter 10: Insolvency—Liquidation and Reorganization

Learning Objectives

10.1 Contractual Agreements

10.2 Bankruptcy

10.3 Liquidation (Chapter 7)

10.4 Reorganization Under the Reform Act (Chapter 11)

10.5 Trustee Accounting and Reporting

10.6 Realization and Liquidation Account



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Chapter 11: International Financial Reporting Standards

Learning Objectives

11.1 the Increasing Importance of International Accounting Standards

11.2 Historical Perspective

11.3 GAAP Hierarchy—U.S. Versus IFRS

11.4 Similarities and Differences Between U.S. GAAP and IFRS

11.5 Business Combinations and Consolidations

11.6 International Convergence Issues

11.7 American Depository Receipts: An Overview



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Chapter 12: Accounting for Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk

Learning Objectives

12.1 Exchange Rates—Means of Translation

12.2 Measured versus Denominated

12.3 Foreign Currency Transactions

12.4 Using Forward Contracts As a Hedge



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Chapter 13: Translation of Financial Statements of Foreign Affiliates

Learning Objectives

13.1 Accounting for Operations in Foreign Countries

13.2 Translating Financial Statements of Foreign Affiliates

13.3 Objectives of Translation

13.4 Translation Methods

13.5 Identifying the Functional Currency

13.6 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements

13.7 Translation of Foreign Financial Statements Illustrated

13.8 Financial Statement Disclosure

13.9 Historical Developments of Accounting Standards



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Chapter 14: Reporting for Segments and for Interim Financial Periods

Learning Objectives

14.1 Need for Disaggregated Financial Data

14.2 Standards of Financial Accounting and Reporting

14.3 International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Position on Segment Reporting

14.4 Interim Financial Reporting



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Chapter 15: Partnerships: Formation, Operation, and Ownership Changes

Learning Objectives

15.1 Partnership Defined

15.2 Reasons for Forming a Partnership

15.3 Characteristics of a Partnership

15.4 Partnership Agreement

15.5 Accounting for a Partnership

15.6 Special Problems in Allocation of Income and Loss

15.7 Financial Statement Presentation

15.8 Changes in the Ownership of the Partnership

15.9 Section A: Admission of a New Partner

15.10 Section B: Withdrawal of a Partner



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Chapter 16: Partnerships: Formation, Operation, and Ownership Changes

Learning Objectives

16.1 Steps in the Liquidation Process

16.2 Priorities of Partnership and Personal Creditors

16.3 Simple Liquidation Illustrated

16.4 Installment Liquidation

16.5 Incorporation of a Partnership



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Chapter 17: Introduction to Fund Accounting

Learning Objectives

17.1 Classifications of Nonbusiness Organizations

17.2 Distinctions Between Nonbusiness Organizations and Profit-Oriented Enterprises

17.3 Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards for Nonbusiness Organizations

17.4 Fund Accounting

17.5 Comprehensive Illustration—General Fund

17.6 Reporting Inventory and Prepayments in the Financial Statements



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Chapter 18: Introduction to Accounting for State and Local Governmental Units

Learning Objectives

18.1 the History of Generally Accepted Governmental Accounting Standards

18.2 the Structure of Governmental Accounting

18.3 Governmental Fund Entities

18.4 Proprietary Funds

18.5 Fiduciary Funds

18.6 Capital Assets and Long-Term Debt

18.7 External Reporting Requirements

18.8 Government Fund-Based Reporting

18.9 Government-Wide Reporting

18.10 Management’s Discussion and Analysis (Md&A)

18.11 Interfund Activity



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Chapter 19: Accounting for Nongovernment Nonbusiness Organizations: Colleges and Universities, Hospitals and Other Health Care Organizations

Learning Objectives

19.1 Sources of Generally Accepted Accounting Standards for Nongovernment-Nonbusiness Organizations

19.2 Financial Reporting for Not-For-Profit Entities

19.3 Accrual Basis of Accounting

19.4 Contributions

19.5 Accounting for Current Funds

19.6 Accounting for Plant Funds

19.7 Accounting for Endowment Funds

19.8 Accounting for Investments

19.9 Accounting for Loan Funds

19.10 Accounting for Agency (Custodial) Funds

19.11 Accounting for Annuity and Life Income Funds

19.12 Issues Relating to Colleges, Universities, and Hospitals



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Appendix PV: Tables of Present Values


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