Access to Health 16th Edition by Rebecca Donatelle, ISBN-13: 978-0135173794
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Pearson; 16th edition (January 31, 2019)
- Language: English
- 768 pages
- ISBN-10: 0135173795
- ISBN-13: 978-0135173794
For courses in personal health.
Motivate students to become actively engaged in their own health.
Access to Health combines scientifically valid research and the most current information to encourage healthy life choices. As a teacher, mentor, and researcher, author Rebecca J. Donatelle uses her friendly writing style to address students’ concerns and motivate them to be savvy, critical consumers of health information. The 16th Edition integrates mindfulness research, tools, and practices throughout, enabling students to incorporate mindfulness practices to help cut through the static of everyday life, to be more focused and present, and to improve academic performance. The new edition also presents a new chapter on difference, disparity, and health equity.
Access to Health now provides access to MyDietAnalysis―a diet and activity tracking tools that gives students an easy way to analyze their daily nutrient intake and physical activity. MyDietAnalysis is powered by ESHA Research, accessible on all devices, and included at no extra charge with Mastering Health. Mastering Health also provides students with videos, self-assessments, study plans, online interactive activities, and reading quizzes that address their diverse needs and learning styles while engaging them in the material.
Table of Contents:
Title Page
Copyright Page
Brief Contents
PART ONE Finding the Right Balance
1 Accessing Your Health
Why Health, Why Now?
Choose Health Now for Immediate Benefits
Choose Health Now for Long‐Term Rewards
Your Health Is Linked to Societal Health
What Is Health?
Models of Health
Wellness and the Dimensions of Health
What Influences Your Health?
Individual Behavior
Biology and Genetics
Social Factors
Access to Quality Health Services
How Does Mindfulness Influence Health?
Definitions of Mindfulness
Health Benefits of Mindfulness
The Practice of Mindfulness
How Does Behavior Change Occur?
Health Belief Model
Social‐Cognitive Model
Transtheoretical Model
How Can You Improve Your Health Behaviors?
Step One: Increase Your Awareness
Step Two: Contemplate Change
Step Three: Prepare for Change
Step Four: Take Action to Change
Let’s Get Started!
FOCUS ON Difference, Disparity, and Health: Achieving Health Equity
Why Has Health Equity Become a Critical Issue in America?
Health Equity Is Attainment of the Highest Level of Health for All
America: A Country of Increasing Diversity
Our Response to Difference Can Lead to Disparities in Health
Health Disparities Incur Enormous Costs
What Types of Health Disparities Occur in Vulnerable Population Groups?
Disparities Affecting Certain Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disparities Affecting Men, Women, and Sexual and Gender Minorities
Disparities Affecting Older and Disabled Americans
Disparities in Socially Excluded Populations
How Do the Social Determinants of Health Influence Health Disparities In America?
Economic Stability and Educational Attainment
Social Interactions and Community Context
Neighborhood and Built Environment
How Can Your Actions Contribute to Health Equity?
Use Mindfulness to Examine Your Assumptions and Biases
Affirm the Benefits of Diversity
Learn to Communicate across Differences
Advocate for Yourself and Others
How Can Systemic Change Lead to Health for All?
Increase Access to Health Care
Reduce the Social Determinants That Contribute to Health Disparities
Examples of Initiatives to Increase Health for All
2 Promoting and Preserving Your Psychological Health
What Is Psychological Health?
Mental Health
Emotional Health
Social Health
Spiritual Health
Keys to Enhancing Psychological Health
Self‐Efficacy and Self‐Esteem
Emotional Intelligence
Lifespan and Maturity
Happiness and the Mind–Body Connection
When Psychological Health Deteriorates
Mental Health Threats to College Students
Mood Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Personality Disorders
Suicide: Giving Up on Life
Risk Factors for Suicide
Warning Signs of Suicide
Preventing Suicide
Seeking Professional Help
Mental Illness Stigma
Getting Evaluated for Treatment
Mental Health Professionals
What to Expect in Therapy
Pharmacological Treatment
FOCUS ON Mindfulness, Spiritual Health, and Spiritual Intelligence
What is Mindfulness?
What are Spirituality and Spiritual Intelligence?
Spirituality and Religion
Relationships, Values, and Purpose
Spiritual Intelligence
Health Benefits of Mindfulness and Spirituality: What Does the Research Say?
Physical Benefits
Psychological Benefits
How Can You Integrate Mindfulness and Spirituality Into Your Life?
Your Path to Mindfulness
Meditation Supports Mindfulness
Contemplation and Prayer Can Contribute to Spirituality
Meditative Movement Integrates Body and Spirit
3 Managing Stress and Coping with Life’s Challenges
What Is Stress?
Common Types of Stress
What Causes Stress?
The Stress Response: What Really Happens?
Physiology/Systems Theory: General Adaptation Syndrome
Psychological Theory: The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
Minority Stress Perspective
Yerkes‐Dodson Law of Arousal
Do Men and Women Respond Differently to Stress?
Stress and Your Health
Stress and Cardiovascular Disease
Stress and Weight Gain
Stress and Hair Loss
Stress and Diabetes
Stress and Digestive Problems
Stress and Impaired Immunity
Stress and Your Mental Health
Individual Factors that Affect Your Stress Response
Type A and Type B Personalities
Type C and Type D Personalities
Shift and Persist
Managing Stress in College: When Overwhelm Strikes
Taking A Mindful Approach to Stress
Developing a Support Network
Cultivating Your Spiritual Side
Managing Emotional Responses and Perceptions
Taking Physical Action
Managing Your Time
Consider Downshifting
Finding Calm: Relaxation Techniques for Reducing Stress
4 Improving Your Sleep
Sleepless in America
Sleepless on Campus: Tired and Dragged‐Out Students?
Why So Sleep Deprived?
The Importance of Sleep
Sleep and Health
The Processes of Sleep
Stages and Cycles of Sleep
Your Sleep Needs
Sleep Disorders
Sleep Apnea
Restless Legs Syndrome
Other Parasomnias
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
Create a Sleep‐Promoting Environment
Adjust Your Daytime Habits
Avoid Common Sleep Disruptors
Sleep Aids: What Works and What Doesn’t?
PART TWO Building Healthy Lifestyles
5 Nutrition: Eating for a Healthier You
Essential Nutrients for Health
Recommended Intakes for Nutrients
Water: A Crucial Nutrient
Beneficial Non‐Nutrient Components of Foods
Nutritional Guidelines
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
MyPlate Food Guidance System
How Can I Eat More Healthfully?
Read Food Labels
Vegetarianism: A Healthy Diet?
Supplements: Research on the Daily Dose
Eating Well in College
Food Safety: A Growing Concern
Organic and Locally Grown Foods
Foodborne Illnesses
Food Irradiation
Food Sensitivities, Allergies, and Intolerances
Genetically Modified Food Crops
6 Reaching and Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Overweight and Obesity: A Growing Health Threat
Overweight and Obesity in the United States
An Obesogenic World
Health Risks of Excess Weight
Factors Contributing to Overweight and Obesity
Physiological, Genetic, and Hormonal Factors
Environmental Factors
Psychosocial and Socioeconomic Factors
Emerging Theories on Obesity Risks
Assessing Body Weight and Body Composition
Body Mass Index
Waist Circumference and Ratio Measurements
Measures of Body Fat
Managing Your Weight: Individual Roles
Understanding Calories and Energy Balance
Diet and Eating Behaviors
Including Exercise
Keeping Weight Control in Perspective
Considering Drastic Weight Loss Measures?
Trying to Gain Weight
FOCUS ON Enhancing Your Body Image
Body Image
Many Factors Influence Body Image
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Building a Positive Body Image
Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge‐Eating Disorder
Other Disordered Eating
Treatment for Eating Disorders
Helping Someone with Eating Issues
Exercise Disorders
Compulsive Exercise
Muscle Dysmorphia
The Female Athlete Triad
Health at Every Size
7 Improving Your Personal Fitness
Physical Activity for Health
Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
Reduced Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes
Reduced Cancer Risk
Improved Immunity
Reduced Risk of Low Bone Mass
Better Weight Control
Improved Mental Status and Reduced Stress
Improved Cognitive Function and Reduced Dementia Risk
Longer Lifespan
Fitness Components for Health, Wellness, and Physical Function
Health‐Related Components of Physical Fitness
Skill‐Related Components of Physical Fitness
Utilizing the Fitt Principle to Create Your Own Fitness Program
Set SMART Goals for Your Physical Fitness
Use the FITT Principle
The FITT Principle for Cardiorespiratory Fitness
The FITT Principle for Muscular Strength and Endurance
The FITT Principle for Flexibility
Implement Your Fitness Program
Committing to Physical Activity
What if I Have Been Inactive for a While?
Overcome Common Obstacles to Physical Activity
Incorporate Physical Activity into Your Life
Explore Activities for Functional Fitness
Taking in Proper Nutrition for Exercise
Foods for Exercise and Recovery
Fluids for Exercise and Recovery
Preventing and Treating Exercise Injuries
Preventing Injuries
Treating Injuries
PART THREE Creating Healthy and Caring Relationships
8 Building Healthy Relationships and Communicating Effectively
The Value of Relationships
Intimate Relations: When Connecting Gets Personal
Caring for Yourself
Family Relationships
Romantic Relationships
Building Communication Skills
Learning Appropriate Self‐Disclosure
Becoming a Better Listener
Using Nonverbal Communication
Connecting Digitally: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Managing Conflict through Communication
Relationships: For Better and Worse
Characteristics of Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Confronting Couples Issues
When and Why Relationships End
Coping with Failed Relationships
Partnering and Singlehood
Gay and Lesbian Marriage and Partnerships
Staying Single
9 Understanding Your Sexuality
Your Sexual Identity: More Than Biology
Sexual Orientation
Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
Female Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
Male Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
Human Sexual Response
Sexuality and Aging
Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual Expression and Behavior
Sexual Behavior: Is There a “Normal”?
Options for Sexual Expression
Variant Sexual Behavior
Drugs and Sex
Responsible and Satisfying Sexual Behavior
10 Considering Your Reproductive Choices
Basic Principles of Contraception
Contraceptive Methods
Barrier Methods
Hormonal Methods
Intrauterine Contraceptives
Behavioral Methods
Emergency Contraception
Permanent Methods of Birth Control
Choosing a Method of Contraception
The Abortion Debate
Emotional Aspects of Abortion
Methods of Abortion
Planning for Pregnancy and Parenthood
The Process of Pregnancy
Prenatal Care
Labor and Delivery
Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth
The Postpartum Period
Causes in Women
Causes in Men
Infertility Treatments
Surrogate Motherhood
PART FOUR Avoiding Risks from Harmful Habits
FOCUS ON Recognizing and Avoiding Addiction
What is Addiction?
Common Characteristics of Addiction
Addiction Affects Family and Friends
How Addiction Develops
The Physiology of Addiction
The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction
Addictive Behaviors
Gambling Disorder
Compulsive Buying Disorder
Technology Addictions
Work Addiction
Exercise Addiction
Sexual Addiction
Multiple Addictions
Costs of Addiction
Recovering from Addiction
Treatment for Addiction
Finding a Quality Treatment Program
11 Drinking Alcohol Responsibly
Alcohol: An Overview
The Chemistry and Potency of Alcohol
Absorption and Metabolism
Blood Alcohol Concentration
Alcohol and Your Health
Short‐Term Effects of Alcohol
Long‐Term Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol and Pregnancy
Alcohol Use in College
High‐Risk Drinking and College Students
Efforts to Reduce Student Drinking
Drinking and Driving
Abuse and Dependence
Identifying an Alcoholic
The Causes of Alcohol Use Disorders
Alcohol Use Disorder in Women
Alcohol and Prescription Drug Abuse
Effects on Family and Friends
Costs to Society
Treatment and Recovery
Family’s and Friends’ Roles in Recovery
Treatment Programs
12 Ending Tobacco Use
Tobacco Use in the United States
Why People Smoke
U.S. Tobacco: Political and Economic Issues
College Students and Tobacco Use
Social Smoking
Most Student Smokers Want to Quit
Effects of Tobacco
Tar and Carbon Monoxide
Tobacco Use Disorder
Tobacco Products
Health Hazards of Tobacco Products
Cardiovascular Disease
Respiratory Disorders
Sexual Dysfunction and Fertility Problems
Other Health Effects
Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Risks from Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Tobacco Use and Prevention Policies
Quitting Smoking
Benefits of Quitting
How Can You Quit?
Breaking the Nicotine Addiction
Breaking the Smoking Habit
13 Avoiding Drug Misuse and Abuse
Drug Dynamics
How Drugs Affect the Brain
Types of Drugs
Routes of Drug Administration
Drug Interactions
Drug Misuse and Abuse
Abuse of Over‐the‐Counter Drugs
Nonmedical Use or Abuse of Prescription Drugs
Use and Abuse of Illicit Drugs
Why Do Some College Students Use Drugs?
Common Drugs of Abuse
Marijuana and Other Cannabinoids
Depressants and Opioids (Narcotics)
Anabolic Steroids
Drug Abuse Treatment and Recovery
Treatment Approaches
Drug Treatment and Recovery for College Students
Addressing Drug Misuse and Abuse in the United States
Drugs in the Workplace
Preventing Drug Use and Abuse on Campus
Possible Solutions to the Drug Problem
PART FIVE Preventing and Fighting Disease
14 Protecting against Infectious Diseases
The Process of Infection
Three Conditions Needed for Infection
Routes of Transmission: How Do Pathogens Gain Entry?
Risk Factors You Can Control
Hard‐to‐Control Risk Factors
Your Body’s Defenses Against Infection
Physical and Chemical Defenses
The Immune System: Your 24/7 Protector
When the Immune System Misfires: Autoimmune Diseases
Inflammatory Response, Pain, and Fever
Vaccines Bolster Immunity
Types of Pathogens and the Diseases they Cause
Other Pathogens
Emerging and Resurgent Diseases
Mindfulness: A New Ally in Bolstering Defenses?
15 Protecting against Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually Transmitted Infections
What’s Your Risk?
Routes of Transmission
Common Types of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts
Candidiasis (Moniliasis)
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
Pubic Lice
How HIV Is Transmitted
Signs and Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
Testing for HIV: Newer Options
New Hope and Treatments
Preventing HIV Infection
16 Reducing Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Current Trends: Social and Economic Impact of CVD
U.S. Disparities: Differences by Age, Sex, and Race
An Emerging Global Threat
History and Future Goals: Ideal Cardiovascular Health
Essentials: Understanding the Cardiovascular System
The Heart: A Mighty Machine
Understanding the Major Cardiovascular Diseases
Peripheral Artery Disease
Coronary Heart Disease
Angina Pectoris
Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure
Congenital and Rheumatic Heart Disease
Reducing Your CVD Risks
Metabolic Syndrome: Quick Risk Profile
Modifiable Risks for CVD
Nonmodifiable Risks
Other Risk Factors Being Studied
Diagnosing and Treating Cardiovascular Disease
Techniques for Diagnosing Cardiovascular Disease
Surgical Options: Bypass Surgery, Angioplasty, and Stents
Changing Aspirin Recommendations and Other Treatments
Cardiac Rehabilitation and Recovery
FOCUS ON Minimizing Your Risk for Diabetes
What is Diabetes?
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
What are the Symptoms of Diabetes?
Complications of Diabetes
Diagnosing Diabetes
Treating Diabetes
Lifestyle Changes
Medical Interventions
17 Reducing Your Cancer Risk
An Overview of Cancer
How Does Cancer Develop?
How Is Cancer Classified?
What Causes Cancer?
Lifestyle Risks for Cancer
Genetic and Physiological Risks
Occupational and Environmental Risks
Infectious Diseases and Cancer Risks
Medical Factors
Types of Cancers
Lung Cancer
Breast Cancer
Colon and Rectal Cancers
Skin Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Cervical and Endometrial (Uterine) Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Facing Cancer
Detecting Cancer
Cancer Treatments
Cancer Survivors
18 Reducing Risks and Coping with Chronic Conditions
Coping with Chronic Lower Respiratory (Lung) Diseases
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Coping with Allergies
Hay Fever
Food Allergies
Coping with Neurological Disorders
Seizure Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Coping with Digestion‐Related Disorders and Diseases
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Coping with Musculoskeletal Diseases
Arthritis and Related Conditions
Low Back Pain
Repetitive Motion Disorders
PART SIX Facing Life’s Challenges
19 Making Smart Health Care Choices
Taking Responsibility for Your Health Care
When to Seek Help
Assessing Health Professionals
Your Rights as a Patient
Conventional Health Care
Conventional Health Care Practitioners
Conventional Medication
Complementary and Integrative Health Care
Complementary Medical Systems
Mind and Body Practices
Natural Products
Health Insurance
Private Health Insurance
Managed Care
Government‐Funded Programs
Insurance Coverage by the Numbers
Issues Facing Today’s Health Care System
20 Preventing Violence and Abuse
Violence in the United States
Violence Overview
Violence on U.S. Campuses
Factors Contributing to Violence
What Makes Some Individuals Prone to Violence?
How Much Impact Do the Media Have?
Interpersonal and Collective Violence
Hate and Bias‐Motivated Crimes
Gang Violence
Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence
Child Abuse and Neglect
Elder Abuse
Sexual Victimization
Minimize Your Risk of Becoming a Victim of Violence
Self‐Defense against Personal Assault and Rape
What to Do if Rape Occurs
Campus‐ and Community‐Wide Responses to Violence
Prevention and Early Response Efforts
Changes in the Campus Environment
Campus Law Enforcement
Coping in the Event of Violence
FOCUS ON Reducing Your Risk of Unintentional Injury
Drug Overdoses and Other Poisonings
What’s behind the Opioid Overdose Epidemic?
Recognizing an Opioid Overdose
Preventing Unintentional Poisoning
Motor Vehicle Injuries
Your Choices Affect Motor Vehicle Safety
Motorcyclists Face Unique Risks
Improve Your Driving Skills
Recreational Injuries
Follow Bike Safety Rules
Stay Safe on Your Board or Skis
Stay Safe in the Water
Injuries at Home
Avoid Falls
Reduce Your Risk of Fire
Prepare for Natural Disasters and Severe Weather Events
Learn First Aid and CPR
Limit Your Exposure to Loud Noise
Injuries at Work
Protect Your Back
Maintain Alignment While Sitting
Avoid Repetitive Motion Disorders
21 Preserving and Protecting Your Environment
Overpopulation: The Planet’s Greatest Threat
Global Population Growth
Measuring the Impact of People
Air Pollution
Components of Air Pollution
Photochemical Smog
Air Quality Index
Acid Deposition
Indoor Air Pollution
Ozone Layer Depletion
Climate Change
Scientific Evidence of Climate Change and Human‐Caused Global Warming
Reducing the Threat of Global Warming
Alternative Energy: Promising Future
Campus‐Wide Actions to Spur Sustainability: Going Green
Water Pollution and Shortages
Water Contamination
Land Pollution
Solid Waste
Hazardous Waste
Nonionizing Radiation
Ionizing Radiation
Nuclear Power Plants
22 Preparing for Aging, Death, and Dying
Redefining Aging
Older Adults: A Growing Population
Health Issues for an Aging Society
Theories of Aging
Physical and Mental Changes of Aging
The Skin
Bones and Joints
Head and Face
The Urinary Tract
Heart and Lungs
The Senses
Sexual Function
Mental Function and Memory
Dementias and Alzheimer’s Disease
Strategies for Healthy Aging
Improve Fitness
Eat for Longevity
Avoid Alcohol and Drug Use and Abuse
Develop and Maintain Healthy Relationships
Enrich the Spiritual Side of Life
Financial Planning for Retirement
Understanding the Final Transitions: Dying and Death
Defining Death
The Process of Dying
Coping with Loss
What Is “Typical” Grief?
Grief and Trauma
Worden’s Model of Grieving Tasks
Children and Death
Life‐and‐Death Decision Making
The Right to Die
Rational Suicide and Euthanasia
Making Final Arrangements
Hospice Care: Positive Alternatives
Making Funeral Arrangements
Organ Donation
Answers to Pop Quiz Questions
Providing Emergency Care
Nutritive Value of Selected Foods and Fast Foods
Photo Credits
Rebecca Donatelle has served as a faculty member in the Department of Public Health, College of Health and Human Sciences, at Oregon State University for the last two decades. In that role, she has chaired the department and been program coordinator for the Health Promotion and Health Behavior Program (bachelor’s degree, master of public health, and PhD degree programs), as well as served on over 50 national, state, regional, and university committees focused on improving student academic success and improving the public’s health. Most importantly to her, she has also taught and mentored thousands of undergraduate and graduate students.
Dr. Donatelle has a PhD in community health/health promotion and health education, with specializations in health behaviors, aging, and chronic disease prevention, from the University of Oregon; a master of science degree in health education from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse; and a bachelor of science degree from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, with majors in health/physical education and English. In recent years, Donatelle has received several professional awards for leadership, teaching, and service within the university and for her work on developing nationally ranked undergraduate and graduate programs in the health promotion/health behavior areas.
Her primary research and scholarship areas have focused on finding scientifically appropriate means of motivating behavior change among resistant populations. Specifically, her work uses incentives, social and community supports, and risk communication strategies in motivating diverse populations to change their risk behaviors. She has worked with pregnant women who smoke in an effort to motivate them to quit smoking, obese women of all ages who are at risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, prediabetic women at risk for progression to type 2 diabetes, and a wide range of other health issues and problems. Earlier research projects have focused on decision making and factors influencing the use of alternative and traditional health care providers for treatment of low back pain, illness and sick role behaviors, occupational stress and stress claims, and worksite health promotion.
More recently, through her writing she has been working to provide scientifically defensible, engaging ways to help students understand today’s complex health and health care challenges, to ask the tough questions, understand that there are often no simple solutions to the myriad of issues we face both in the US and internationally. With this text in particular, she has worked to motivate students to approach their challenges in a mindful, thoughtful way; to take time to notice and to look within and outside themselves in order to really see, hear and feel the life experience to act compassionately toward self and toward others who are struggling with personal challenges. Importantly, she challenges students to ask…”How can I make the world a better place, for me.. for others, and for future generations?…to live more healthfully, and with more enthusiasm?” Whether it be working to improve personal health behaviors, help others who are struggling, or working to improve the social, political, and macro health environment, her goal is to motivate students to become more engaged and be the health change agents of the future.
In addition to her ‘writing’, Dr. Donatelle enjoys playing acoustic guitar, gardening, camping and socializing with friends and family, and walks with her three rambunctious Westies.
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