
International Law 9th Edition by Malcolm N. Shaw, ISBN-13: 978-1108733052

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International Law 9th Edition by Malcolm N. Shaw, ISBN-13: 978-1108733052

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Cambridge University Press; 9th edition (September 23, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 1308 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1108733050
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1108733052

International Law is the definitive and authoritative text on the subject. It has long been established as a leading authority in the field, offering an unbeatable combination of clarity of expression and academic rigour, ensuring understanding and analysis in an engaging and authoritative style. Explaining the leading rules, practice and caselaw, this treatise retains and develops the detailed referencing which encourages and assists the reader in further study. This new edition has been fully updated to reflect recent developments. In particular, it has expanded the treatment of space law and of international economic law, and introduced new sections on cyber operations and cyber warfare, as well as reflecting the Covid-19 crisis. Both clarifying fundamental principles and facilitating additional research, International Law is invaluable for students and for those occupied in private practice, governmental service and international organisations.

Table of Contents:

  1. Half-title
  2. Reviews
  3. Title page
  4. Copyright information
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents
  7. Preface to the Ninth Edition
  8. Table of Cases
  9. Table of Treaties and Selected Other International Instruments
  10. List of Abbreviations
  11. 1 The Nature and Development of International Law
  12. Law and Politics in the World Community
  13. The Role of Force
  14. The International System
  15. The Function of Politics
  16. Historical Development
  17. Early Origins
  18. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance
  19. The Founders of Modern International Law
  20. Positivism and Naturalism
  21. The Nineteenth Century
  22. The Twentieth Century and Beyond
  23. Communist Approaches to International Law
  24. The ‘Developing Countries’
  25. Suggestions for Further Reading
  26. 2 International Law Today
  27. The Expanding Legal Scope of International Concern
  28. Modern Theories and Interpretations
  29. Positive Law and Natural Law
  30. New Approaches
  31. The Fragmentation of International Law?
  32. Conclusion
  33. Suggestions for Further Reading
  34. 3 Sources
  35. Custom
  36. Introduction
  37. The Material Fact
  38. What is State Practice?
  39. Opinio Juris
  40. Protest, Acquiescence and Change in Customary Law
  41. Regional and Local Custom
  42. Treaties
  43. General Principles of Law
  44. Equity and International Law
  45. Judicial Decisions
  46. Writers
  47. Other Possible Sources of International Law
  48. The International Law Commission
  49. Other Bodies
  50. Unilateral Acts
  51. Hierarchy of Sources and Jus Cogens
  52. Suggestions for Further Reading
  53. 4 International Law and Municipal Law
  54. The Theories
  55. The Role of Municipal Rules in International Law
  56. International Law before Municipal Courts
  57. The United Kingdom
  58. Customary International Law
  59. Treaties
  60. The United States
  61. Other Countries
  62. (i) Other Common Law and Related Legal Systems
  63. (ii) Civil Law Systems
  64. (iii) Conclusion
  65. Non-Justiciability, Act of State and Related Doctrines
  66. Executive Certificates
  67. Suggestions for Further Reading
  68. 5 The Subjects of International Law
  69. Legal Personality – Introduction
  70. States
  71. Creation of Statehood
  72. Self-Determination and the Criteria of Statehood
  73. Recognition
  74. Extinction of Statehood
  75. The Fundamental Rights of States
  76. Independence
  77. Equality
  78. Peaceful Co-Existence
  79. Protectorates and Protected States
  80. Federal States
  81. Sui Generis Territorial Entities
  82. Mandated and Trust Territories
  83. Germany 1945
  84. Condominium
  85. International Administration of Territories
  86. Taiwan
  87. The ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ (TRNC)
  88. The Saharan Arab Democratic Republic
  89. Kosovo
  90. Palestine
  91. Various Secessionist Claimants
  92. Associations of States
  93. Conclusions
  94. Special Cases
  95. The Sovereign Order of Malta
  96. The Holy See and the Vatican City
  97. Insurgents and Belligerents
  98. International Public Companies
  99. Transnational Corporations
  100. The Right of All Peoples to Self-Determination
  101. The Establishment of the Legal Right
  102. The Definition of Self-Determination
  103. Individuals
  104. International Organisations
  105. The Acquisition, Nature and Consequences of Legal Personality – Some Conclusions
  106. Suggestions for Further Reading
  107. 6 The International Protection of Human Rights
  108. The Nature of Human Rights
  109. The Development of International Human Rights Law
  110. Some Basic Principles
  111. Domestic Jurisdiction
  112. The Rule on the Exhaustion of Domestic (or Local) Remedies
  113. Priorities of Rights
  114. The COVID-19 Crisis
  115. Customary International Law and Human Rights
  116. The UN System – General
  117. The Protection of the Collective Rights of Groups and Individuals
  118. Prohibition of Discrimination
  119. The Principle of Self-Determination as a Human Right
  120. The Protection of Minorities
  121. The UN System – Implementation
  122. Political Bodies
  123. Expert Bodies Established by UN Organs
  124. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  125. Expert Bodies Established under Particular Treaties
  126. The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
  127. The Human Rights Committee
  128. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
  129. The Committee against Torture
  130. The Committee on the Rights of the Child
  131. The Committee on the Protection of Migrant Workers
  132. The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  133. The Committee on Enforced Disappearances
  134. Conclusions
  135. The Regional Protection of Human Rights
  136. Europe
  137. The European Convention on Human Rights
  138. The Convention System
  139. The European Social Charter
  140. The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishm
  141. The Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  142. The European Union
  143. The OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)
  144. The CIS Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
  145. The Inter-American Convention on Human Rights
  146. The Banjul Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
  147. Suggestions for Further Reading
  148. 7 Individual Criminal Responsibility in International Law
  149. International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
  150. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  151. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
  152. The Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals
  153. The International Criminal Court (ICC)
  154. Hybrid Courts and Other Internationalised Domestic Courts and Tribunals
  155. The Special Court for Sierra Leone
  156. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
  157. Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office
  158. East Timor Special Panels for Serious Crimes
  159. The Bosnia War Crimes Chamber
  160. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon
  161. The Iraqi High Tribunal
  162. The Serbian War Crimes Departments
  163. International Crimes
  164. Genocide
  165. Prohibition of Genocide
  166. War Crimes
  167. Crimes against Humanity
  168. Aggression
  169. Suggestions for Further Reading
  170. 8 Recognition
  171. Recognition of States
  172. Recognition of Governments
  173. De Facto and de Jure Recognition
  174. Premature Recognition
  175. Implied Recognition
  176. Conditional Recognition
  177. Collective Recognition
  178. Withdrawal of Recognition
  179. Non-Recognition
  180. The Legal Effects of Recognition
  181. Internationally
  182. Internally
  183. The United Kingdom
  184. The United States
  185. Suggestions for Further Reading
  186. 9 Territory
  187. The Concept of Territory in International Law
  188. Territorial Sovereignty
  189. The Acquisition of Additional Territory
  190. Boundary Treaties and Boundary Awards
  191. Accretion
  192. Cession
  193. Conquest and the Use of Force
  194. The Exercise of Effective Control
  195. Intertemporal Law
  196. Critical Date
  197. Sovereign Activities (Effectivités)
  198. The Role of Subsequent Conduct: Recognition, Acquiescence and Estoppel
  199. Conclusions
  200. Territorial Integrity, Self-Determination and Sundry Claims
  201. The Doctrine of Uti Possidetis
  202. Beyond Uti Possidetis
  203. International Boundary Rivers
  204. ‘The Common Heritage of Mankind’
  205. The Polar Regions
  206. Leases and Servitudes
  207. The Law of Outer Space
  208. The Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space
  209. The Legal Regime of Outer Space
  210. Military Uses of Outer Space
  211. The Question of Responsibility
  212. Assistance
  213. The Moon Treaty
  214. The Future
  215. Suggestions for Further Reading
  216. 10 The Law of the Sea
  217. The Territorial Sea
  218. Internal Waters
  219. Baselines
  220. Bays
  221. Islands
  222. Archipelagic States
  223. The Width of the Territorial Sea
  224. The Juridical Nature of the Territorial Sea
  225. The Right of Innocent Passage
  226. Jurisdiction over Foreign Ships
  227. International Straits
  228. The Contiguous Zone
  229. The Exclusive Economic Zone
  230. The Continental Shelf
  231. Definition
  232. The Rights and Duties of the Coastal State
  233. Maritime Delimitation
  234. Conclusion
  235. Landlocked States
  236. The High Seas
  237. Jurisdiction on the High Seas
  238. Exceptions to the Exclusivity of Flag-State Jurisdiction
  239. Right of Visit
  240. Piracy
  241. The Slave Trade
  242. Unauthorised Broadcasting
  243. Hot Pursuit
  244. Collisions
  245. Treaty Rights and Agreements
  246. Pollution
  247. Straddling Stocks
  248. The International Seabed
  249. Introduction
  250. The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention (Part XI)
  251. The Reciprocating States Regime
  252. The 1994 Agreement on Implementation of the Seabed Provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Se
  253. The International Seabed Authority
  254. Settlement of Disputes
  255. The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
  256. Suggestions for Further Reading
  257. 11 Jurisdiction
  258. The Principle of Domestic Jurisdiction
  259. Legislative, Executive and Judicial Jurisdiction
  260. Civil Jurisdiction
  261. Criminal Jurisdiction
  262. The Territorial Principle
  263. The Nationality Principle
  264. The Passive Personality Principle
  265. The Protective Principle
  266. The Universality Principle
  267. War Crimes, Crimes against Peace and Crimes against Humanity
  268. Treaties Providing for Jurisdiction
  269. Illegal Apprehension of Suspects and the Exercise of Jurisdiction
  270. The US Alien Tort Statute
  271. Extradition
  272. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
  273. Suggestions for Further Reading
  274. 12 Immunities from Jurisdiction
  275. Sovereign Immunity
  276. The Absolute Immunity Approach
  277. The Restrictive Approach
  278. Sovereign and Non-Sovereign Acts
  279. State Immunity and Violations of Human Rights
  280. Commercial Acts
  281. Contracts of Employment
  282. Other Non-Immunity Areas
  283. The Personality Issue – Instrumentalities and Parts of the State
  284. The Personality Issue – Immunity for Senior Government Figures
  285. Waiver of Immunity
  286. Pre-Judgment Attachment
  287. Immunity from Execution
  288. The Burden and Standard of Proof
  289. Diplomatic Law
  290. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961
  291. The Inviolability of the Premises of the Mission
  292. The Diplomatic Bag
  293. Diplomatic Immunities – Property
  294. Diplomatic Immunities – Personal
  295. Waiver of Immunity
  296. Consular Privileges and Immunities: The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963
  297. The Convention on Special Missions 1969
  298. The Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organiza
  299. Suggestions for Further Reading
  300. 13 State Responsibility
  301. The Nature of State Responsibility
  302. The Question of Fault
  303. Attribution
  304. Ultra vires acts
  305. State Control and Responsibility
  306. Mob Violence, Insurrections and Civil Wars
  307. Circumstances Precluding Wrongfulness
  308. Invocation of State Responsibility
  309. The Consequences of Internationally Wrongful Acts
  310. Cessation
  311. Reparation
  312. Serious Breaches of Peremptory Norms (Jus Cogens)
  313. Diplomatic Protection and Nationality of Claims
  314. The Exhaustion of Local Remedies
  315. The Treatment of Aliens
  316. The Relevant Standard of Treatment
  317. The Protection of Foreign Property and Investments
  318. The Property Question
  319. The Nature of Expropriation
  320. Public Purposes
  321. Non-Discrimination
  322. Compensation
  323. Bilateral Investment Treaties
  324. The Intra-EU BIT Agreement
  325. Lump-Sum Agreements
  326. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
  327. The Responsibility of States for Cyber Activities
  328. Suggestions for Further Reading
  329. 14 International Environmental Law
  330. State Responsibility and the Environment
  331. The Basic Duty of States
  332. The Appropriate Standard
  333. Damage Caused
  334. Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities
  335. International Cooperation – Relevant Principles
  336. Use of Territory
  337. Environmental Impact Assessments
  338. The Precautionary Principle
  339. Sustainable Development
  340. The Polluter Pays
  341. Atmospheric Pollution
  342. Climate Change
  343. Outer Space
  344. International Watercourses
  345. Ultra-Hazardous Activities
  346. Nuclear Activities
  347. The Provision of Information
  348. The Provision of Assistance
  349. Nuclear Safety
  350. Civil Liability
  351. Hazardous Wastes
  352. Marine Pollution
  353. Pollution from Ships
  354. Suggestions for Further Reading
  355. 15 The Law of Treaties
  356. The Making of Treaties
  357. Formalities
  358. Consent
  359. Consent by Signature
  360. Consent by Exchange of Instruments
  361. Consent by Ratification
  362. Consent by Accession
  363. Reservations to Treaties
  364. Entry into Force of Treaties
  365. The Application of Treaties
  366. Third States
  367. The Amendment and Modification of Treaties
  368. Treaty Interpretation
  369. Invalidity, Termination and Suspension of the Operation of Treaties
  370. General Provisions
  371. Invalidity of Treaties
  372. Municipal Law
  373. Error
  374. Fraud and Corruption
  375. Coercion
  376. Jus Cogens
  377. Consequences of Invalidity
  378. The Termination of Treaties
  379. Termination by Treaty Provision or Consent
  380. Material Breach
  381. Supervening Impossibility of Performance
  382. Fundamental Change of Circumstances
  383. Dispute Settlement
  384. Treaties between States and International Organisations
  385. Suggestions for Further Reading
  386. 16 State Succession
  387. Continuity and Succession
  388. Succession to Treaties
  389. Categories of Treaties: Territorial, Political and Other Treaties
  390. Succession to Treaties Generally
  391. Absorption and Merger
  392. Cession of Territory from One State to Another
  393. Separation from an Existing State to Form a New State or States
  394. ‘Newly Independent States’
  395. Dissolution of States
  396. International Human Rights Treaties
  397. Succession with Respect to Matters Other Than Treaties
  398. Membership of International Organisations
  399. Succession to Assets and Debts
  400. State Property
  401. State Archives
  402. Public Debt
  403. Private Rights
  404. State Succession and Nationality
  405. State Succession and Responsibility
  406. Coda: Hong Kong
  407. Suggestions for Further Reading
  408. 17 The Settlement of Disputes by Peaceful Means
  409. Diplomatic Methods of Dispute Settlement
  410. Negotiation
  411. Good Offices and Mediation
  412. Inquiry
  413. Conciliation
  414. International Institutions and Dispute Settlement
  415. Regional Organisations
  416. The African Union (Formerly the Organisation of African Unity)
  417. The Organization of American States
  418. The Arab League
  419. Europe
  420. Specialised Agencies
  421. The Settlement of International Economic Disputes
  422. Binding Methods of Inter-State Dispute Settlement
  423. Arbitration
  424. Suggestions for Further Reading
  425. 18 The International Court of Justice
  426. The Organisation of the Court
  427. The Jurisdiction of the Court
  428. General
  429. The Nature of a Legal Dispute
  430. Contentious Jurisdiction
  431. Article 36(1)
  432. Article 36(2)
  433. Sources of Law, Propriety and Legal Interest
  434. Evidence
  435. Provisional Measures
  436. Joinder of Cases
  437. Counter-Claims
  438. Third-Party Intervention
  439. Remedies
  440. Enforcement
  441. Application for Interpretation of a Judgment
  442. Application for Revision of a Judgment
  443. Examination of a Situation after the Judgment
  444. The Advisory Jurisdiction of the Court
  445. The Role of the Court
  446. Proliferation of Courts and Tribunals
  447. Suggestions for Further Reading
  448. 19 International Law and the Use of Force by States
  449. Law and Force from the ‘Just War’ to the United Nations
  450. The UN Charter
  451. ‘Force’
  452. ‘Against the Territorial Integrity or Political Independence of Any State’
  453. Categories of Compulsion
  454. Retorsion
  455. Reprisals
  456. The Right of Self-Defence
  457. The Protection of Nationals Abroad
  458. Conclusions
  459. Collective Self-Defence
  460. Intervention
  461. Civil Wars
  462. Aid to the Authorities of a State
  463. Aid to Rebels
  464. Humanitarian Intervention
  465. Terrorism and International Law
  466. Cyber Warfare and International Law: Part I The Use of Force
  467. Suggestions for Further Reading
  468. 20 International Humanitarian Law
  469. Development
  470. The Scope of Protection under International Humanitarian Law
  471. The Wounded and Sick
  472. Prisoners of War
  473. Protection of Civilians and Occupation
  474. International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law
  475. The Conduct of Hostilities
  476. Armed Conflicts: International and Internal
  477. Non-International Armed Conflict
  478. Cyber Warfare and International Law: Part II The Conduct of Hostilities
  479. Enforcement of Humanitarian Law
  480. Suggestions for Further Reading
  481. 21 The United Nations
  482. The UN System
  483. The Security Council
  484. The General Assembly
  485. Other Principal Organs
  486. The Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
  487. The League of Nations
  488. The UN System
  489. The Security Council
  490. The General Assembly
  491. The Secretary-General
  492. Peacekeeping and Observer Missions
  493. Conclusion
  494. The Collective Security System
  495. The Security Council
  496. Determination of the Situation
  497. Chapter VII Measures
  498. Measures Not Involving the Use of Force
  499. Targeted Sanctions and Human Rights
  500. Measures Involving the Use of Force
  501. Implied Authorisation
  502. Responsibility to Protect and Humanitarian Intervention by the United Nations
  503. The Use of Force in Non-Enforcement Situations
  504. Former Yugoslavia
  505. Somalia
  506. The Democratic Republic of the Congo
  507. Sudan
  508. The Range of UN Actions from Humanitarian Assistance to Enforcement – Conclusions
  509. The Security Council, International Law and the International Court of Justice
  510. The Role of the General Assembly
  511. The UN and Regional Arrangements and Agencies
  512. Suggestions for Further Reading
  513. 22 International Organisations
  514. Introduction
  515. Some Legal Aspects of International Organisations
  516. Personality
  517. The Constituent Instruments
  518. The Powers of International Organisations
  519. The Applicable Law
  520. The Responsibility of International Organisations
  521. Liability of Member States
  522. The Accountability of International Organisations
  523. Privileges and Immunities
  524. Withdrawal
  525. Dissolution
  526. Succession
  527. Suggestions for Further Reading
  528. Index

Malcolm N. Shaw, QC, is a practising barrister at Essex Court Chambers and Senior Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at Cambridge University. He is Emeritus Sir Robert Jennings Professor of International Law at Leicester University. One of the world’s leading international lawyers, he is an Associé of the Institut de Droit International, former Trustee of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and a founding member of Curatorium of the Xiamen Academy of International Law, China.

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