An Essential Guide to Public Speaking: Serving Your Audience with Faith, Skill, and Virtue, ISBN-13: 978-1540961884
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Baker Academic; 2nd edition (March 17, 2020)
- Language: English
- 256 pages
- ISBN-10: 1540961885
- ISBN-13: 978-1540961884
Communication expert and popular speaker Quentin Schultze offers a practical, accessible, and inspiring guide to public speaking, showing readers how to serve their audiences with faith, skill, and virtue. This thoroughly rewritten and expanded four-color edition has been tested and revised with input from Christian undergraduates and contains new chapters on timely topics, such as speaking for video, conducting group presentations, and engaging society civilly. A complete public speaking textbook for Christian universities, it includes helpful sidebars, tips, and appendixes.
Table of Contents:
Cover i
Endorsements ii
Half Title Page v
Title Page vii
Copyright Page viii
Expanded Table of Contents xi
List of Spotlight Topics xix
Foreword by Martin J. Medhurst xxii
Acknowledgments xxiv
Introduction 1
1. Speak to Serve 3
2. Plan Neighbor-Serving Speeches 11
3. Conquer Speaking Fears 21
4. Compose an Outline 31
5. Speak Extemporaneously 40
6. Anticipate Challenges and Opportunities 46
7. Think Biblically 55
8. Research the Topic and Audience 66
9. Find and Evaluate Online Sources 75
10. Be Trustworthy (Ethos 1) 85
11. Be Virtuous (Ethos 2) 93
12. Convey Ideas Passionately 103
13. Speak to Inform Dramatically 115
14. Tell Stories (Mythos) 124
15. Speak to Persuade Logically (Logos) 134
16. Speak to Persuade Emotionally (Pathos) 146
17. Share Special Moments 156
18. Advocate for All Neighbors by Amy King 167
19. Present in Groups by Heidi Petak 178
20. Stage with Technology 189
21. Speak through Video by Kathleen Sindorf 200
Afterword by Clifford G. Christians 209
Appendix A: Checklist for Preparing a Speech 213
Appendix B: Plan Speeches with the Holy Spirit 215
Appendix C: Form for Evaluating Speeches 218
Appendix D: Speaking from a Manuscript: Lessons from an Executive Speechwriter by Karl
Payton 220
Notes 225
Back Ad 230
Back Cover 231
Quentin Schultze (PhD, University of Illinois) is a speaker, mentor, consultant, and professor of communication emeritus at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His many books include Communicate like a True Leader, An Essential Guide to Interpersonal Communication, and An Essential Guide to Public Speaking. Schultze has been quoted in major media including the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, US News & World Report, the New York Times, Fortune, the Chicago Tribune, and USA Today. He has been interviewed by CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and NPR.
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