
The Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government by Donald P. Haider-Markel, ISBN-13: 978-0198778462

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The Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government by Donald P. Haider-Markel, ISBN-13: 978-0198778462

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Oxford University Press; Reprint edition (June 3, 2016)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 976 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0198778465
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0198778462

The Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government is an historic undertaking. It contains a wide range of essays that define the important questions in the field, evaluate where we are in answering them, and set the direction and terms of discourse for future work. The Handbook will have a substantial influence in defining the field for years to come.

The chapters critically assess both the key works of state and local politics literature and the ways in which the sub-field has developed. It covers the main areas of study in subnational politics by exploring the central contributions to the comparative study of institutions, behavior, and policy in the American context. Each chapter outlines an agenda for future research.

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction

I. Introduction

1. Sub-National Political Science, Donald P. Haider-Markel

2. Relations between State and National Governments, John Dinan

3. Relations between Local and National Governments, Robert Agranoff

4. Relations between State and Local Governments, Carol S. Weissert and Jessica Ice

II. Political Behavior in the States and Localities

5. Local Political Participation, Brady Baybeck

6. State Political Participation, Carolyn Tolbert and William W. Franko

7. Local and State Interest Group Organizations, Anthony Nownes

8. Local and State Political Parties, Joel W. Paddock

9. Local Campaigns and Elections, Timothy Krebs

10. State Campaigns and Elections, William D. Hicks and Daniel A. Smith

III. State Political Institutions

11. Early State History and Constitutions, John Kincaid

12. State Direct Democracy, Shawn Bowler and Todd Donovan

13. State Legislatures, Keith Hamm, Ronald D. Hedlund, and Nancy Martorano Miller

14. State Executives, Margaret Ferguson

15. State Courts, Chris Bonneau and Brent Boyea

16. State Bureaucracy: Policy Delegation, Comparative Institutional Capacity, and Administrative Politics in the American States, George A. Krause and Neil Woods

V. Local Political Institutions

17. Local Boundaries, Megan Mullin

18. Local Legislatures, Suzanne Leland and Holly Whisman

19. Local Executives, Richard C. Feiock and Jungah Bae

20. Local Courts, Richard A. Brisbin, Jr.

21. Local Bureaucracy, Kelly M. LeRoux

VI. Sub-National Public Policy Processes

22. The Context of Local Policymaking, Zoltan Hajnal

23. The Context of State Policy Policymaking, Robert C. Lowery

24. State Policy and Democratic Representation, William G. Jacoby and Saundra K. Schneider

25. Local Policy and Democratic Representation, Christine Kelleher Palus, Villanova University

VII. Sub-National Public Policies

26. Fiscal Policy, James Garand, Justin Ulrich, and Ping Xu

27. Economic Development Policy (local and state), Paul Brace

28. Education Policy, Paul Manna

29. Social Welfare Policy, Mark Carl Rom

30. Health Care Policy, Charles Barrilleaux

31. Criminal Justice Policy (and policing), Garrick Percival

32. Morality Policy, Alesha Doan

33. Environmental Policy, Michael D. Jones, Elizabeth A. Shanahan and Lisa J. Hammer

34. Regulatory Policy, Paul Teske and Colin Provost

35. Policies Towards Minority Populations, Richard Fording and John Poe

VIII. Conclusion

36. Sub-National Politics: A Methodological Perspective, Fred Boehmke and Regina P. Branton

37. Sub-National Politics: A National Political Perspective, Bertram Johnson

38. Sub-National Politics: A Comparative Perspective, Nicole Bolleyer

39. The Future of Sub-National Political Research, Donald P. Haider-Markel

Donald P. Haider-Markel is Professor of political science at the University of Kansas. His research and teaching is focused on the representation of interests in the policy process and the dynamics between public opinion and policy. He has authored or co-authored over 45 refereed articles, multiple book chapters, and several books in a range of issue areas, including the environment, religion and the culture wars, civil rights, criminal justice, and terrorism. He has been recipient or co-recipient of grants from the EPA STAR program, the National Science Foundation, and the American Psychological Foundation.

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