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Live It Up 1 VCE Physical Education Units 1 and 2 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0730329374



  • Author(s): Michelle O’Keeffe, Kirsty Walsh, Vaughan Cleary
  • Format: PDF
  • Size: 38 MB
  • Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd; 4th Revised edition (14 September 2016)
  • Language: English
  • Product Bundle: 408 pages
  • ISBN-10: 0730329372
  • ISBN-13: 978-0730329374



The human body in motion.

Outcome 1.

Collect and analyse information from, and participate in, a variety of practical activities to explain how the musculoskeletal system functions, and its limiting conditions, and evaluate the ethical and performance implications of the use of practices and substances that enhance human movement.

Outcome 2.

Collect and analyse information from, and participate in, a variety of practical activities to explain how the cardiovascular and respiratory systems function, and the limiting conditions of each system, and discuss the ethical and performance implications of the use of practices and substances to enhance the performance of these two systems.

Physical Education is the study of human movement. There are different reasons for studying this. We study the relationship between movement and health, and movement and performance. Some movements are performed to maintain good health and others are performed to gain a competitive advantage in sports. The emphasis of studying movement for health is different from the emphasis of studying movement for sports performance. For this reason, it is helpful to be able to categorise the types of movement. For example, physical activity is not the focus for an athlete; they are focused on sporting performance. A person training for a fun run is more focused on regular and planned exercise rather than increasing their general amount of physical activity. The terms physical activity, sport and exercise are often used interchangeably. While they all involve movement, they are different in their application. Sport is organised and competitive, exercise is often associated with activities people participate in to increase their fitness, and physical activity is a broad term relating to various forms of movement.

VCE Physical Education covers a range of topics related to maximising sports performance, the effects of exercise on the body and physical activity participation. Many of the content areas in VCE Physical Education will relate to all three: physical activity, sport and exercise. At times, the content will relate to only one of these areas. Physical activity is any activity that involves or requires some form of physical exertion. It includes sport, play, active transport, chores, games, fitness activities, recreation and some forms of work. Some examples of physical activity include children playing in the playground, adults walking to work or a family bike ride.


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