HUMAN EXCEPTIONALITY: SCHOOL, COMMUNITY, AND FAMILY, 12th Edition, is an evidence-based testament to the critical role of cross-professional collaboration in enhancing the lives of exceptional individuals and their families. This text’s unique lifespan approach combines powerful research, evidence-based practices, and inspiring stories, engendering passion and empathy and enhancing the lives of individuals with exceptionalities. Designed to help readers experience individuals with disabilities and their families in a personal and intimate fashion, HUMAN EXCEPTIONALITY is an excellent resource–whether you’re a teacher education candidate, a practicing teacher, or a human services professional.
Dr. Michael L. Hardman‘s distinguished career includes positions at the University of Utah as Interim Senior Vice President (Provost) for Academic Affairs, Dean and Professor in the College of Education, University Coordinator for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Center for Community of Caring, associate dean for research, and chair of the Department of Special Education and the Department of Teaching and Learning. Other accomplishments include being appointed Governor’s Representative to the California Advisory Commission on Special Education and serving as Senior Education Advisor to the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Foundation in Washington, D.C. for 20 years, as past president of the Higher Education Consortium for Special Education, and on the International Board of Directors for the Council for Exceptional Children. He has directed or consulted on numerous international projects on school improvement for U.S. AID, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and UNICEF. He has numerous publications in national journals and has authored several successful college textbooks. As a researcher, he has directed international and national demonstration projects in the areas of educational policy and reform, developmental disabilities, professional development, inclusive education, transition from school to adult life, and preparing tomorrow’s leaders in special education.
M. Winston Egan, professor emeritus and past chair of the Teacher Education Department in the David O. McKay School of Education at Brigham Young University, has taught children of all ages, preschool through high school. He began his special education career at Utah Boys Ranch. His writings appear in Behavior Disorders, Journal of Teacher Education, Teacher Education and Special Education, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, American Journal of Distance Education, Journal of Special Education, Rural Special Education Quarterly, and Teaching and Teacher Education. He has been honored with several university teaching awards including Professor of the Year, Blue Key National Honor Society at Brigham Young University; and Excellence in Teaching Award, Graduate School of Education, University of Utah. He has also been an associate of the National Network of Education Renewal (NNER). His interests include distance education, teacher socialization and development, education for democracy, and emotional/behavior disorders in children and youth.
Dr. Clifford J. Drew is a professor in Special Education and Educational Psychology at the University of Utah. He spent ten years in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and has been with the University of Utah since 1971. He has over 110 scholarly contributions, including books, chapters, and articles as well as national and international presentations; and more than $11 million in federal, state, and private sector grants to his credit. His articles have appeared in Exceptional Children, American Journal of Mental Deficiency, Psychology Reports, Psychonomic Science, Science, Mental Retardation, Journal of the School of Psychology, School of Psychology Review, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Journal of Learning Disabilities, and American Journal of Family Therapy, among others. His academic interests include research methods, human development and disabilities, applications of information technology, and outreach in higher education.
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